Past events
We will be hosting a public consultation on October 13th from 7-8:30pm to discuss phase III of the Greystone development Site Plan Control Application. The proposed development is comprised of two seven-storey residential buildings with a total of 260 units, a private courtyard area with an elevated footbridge connection to the river, and an underground garage with a total of 266 vehicular spaces and 260 bicycle parking spaces. The meeting will provide a chance to review a number of questions that have been raised by the community, including traffic circulation, unit count, and public space. Detailed documentation for phase III is available at:
Public Consultation for development at 774 Bronson
La version française suit.
The City of Ottawa will be developing a new park at 635 O'Connor Street. The new park will include accessible benches, a picnic and games table, pathway, shade pergola, trash receptacles, new tree planting and climbing trellis screen.
Residents are invited to participate in a Community Consultation via ZOOM to review the park concept plan options on Monday, June 28 from 6:00 to 7:00PM.
Options will be posted on line after the meeting for review and comments. Comments period will close July 7, 2021.
ZOOM Meeting
Link is:
La Ville d’Ottawa procèdera à l’aménagement d’un nouveau parc au 635, rue O’Connor. Ce nouveau parc comportera des bancs accessibles, une table de jeu et de pique-nique, un sentier, une pergola, des poubelles, de nouveaux arbres et un treillis pour plantes grimpantes.
Nous invitons les résidentes et résidents à une consultation communautaire tenue sur ZOOM le lundi 28 juin, de 18 h à 19 h, pour passer en revue les différentes options d’aménagement du parc.
Après cette réunion, les options proposées seront présentées en ligne aux fins d’examen et de commentaires. Les personnes intéressées auront jusqu’au 7 juillet 2021 pour soumettre leurs commentaires.
Réunion sur ZOOM
Lien :
The City is undertaking a review of the Official Plan, a planning document that guides and regulates development through an overarching policy framework. The new OP will provide a vision for growth through 2046 and will have impacts on issues from housing to mobility.
On June 3, Councillors in the urban area will hold a public meeting for residents living in rental housing to learn more about the new OP and provide feedback. If you are interested in joining the discussion, you can let us know here, but you must also register for this event with the city directly:
Our office is pro-actively reaching out to residents to check in on them, and to ensure they are connected to the available information and supports they need. It's a difficult time for so many of our neighbours, and just hearing from someone in itself can be a comfort.
We could use your help checking in on our neighbours.
These weekly phonebanks are an opportunity for several of us to make calls together online. We will be bale to check in with each other between calls over zoom and otherwise be able to digitally work side by side.
If you'd like to assist, please RSVP here. Once RSVPed you will receive instructions. You will also receive a zoom link.
These calls are meant to:
- Generally check-in with community members
- Ask how people are doing, and whether there's anything they need help with.
- Ensure folks have the most up to date information regarding COVID-19 and vaccine rollout, and are aware how to get their vaccine if they have not already.
Let’s make our city a better place to ride a bike.
Join councillors Jean Cloutier (Alta Vista Ward), Shawn Menard (Capital Ward) and Catherine McKenney (Somerset Ward) for a discussion of how we can improve bicycling infrastructure for the residents of Ottawa.
The meeting will be led by city transportation staff as part of their work updating the city’s Active Transportation Plan.
We want to make bicycling safer and easier for all residents, so tell us what routes need infrastructure, what missing links need to be fixed and what sort of facilities will help you get to your destinations safely and comfortably.
The online meeting will be held using Zoom.
Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment Application
1335 & 1339 Bank Street
This notice is to advise that the City of Ottawa will hold an information session on Wednesday April 28, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held online on Zoom to discuss the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendments for 1335 & 1339 Bank Street (Location Map attached).
The proposal includes a 26-storey (86 meter) mixed-use building, including 326 residential units, 65 limited service hotel units, 524m2 café/bar/fitness centre on the ground floor, and second floor co-working space. The proposal also includes 172 vehicle parking spaces and 269 bicycle parking spaces.
This meeting will be held through remote electronic participation in order to comply with an Order in Council (filed March 28, 2020 and extended on May 16, 2020) pursuant to the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, which prohibits organized public events of more than fifty people.
This development is just outside of Capital Ward (inside of Alta Vista Ward) on the southeast corner Bank St and Riverside Dr. It is directly across the street from another proposal for two high-rise towers.
More information about this application can be found here, and information about the application across the street can be found here.
Please direct inquiries to:
Kelby Lodoen Unseth, Assigned Planner
Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floor
Ottawa ON K1J 1P1
Tel: 613-580-2424 ext. 12852
e-mail: [email protected]
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to establish a uniform zoning designation over the site, whereas the site is currently split zoned. The rezoning would for allow for future mixed-use development and a public park.
There is no development currently proposed for this site, as the Applicant, Canada Lands Company (CLC), is looking to dispose of the lands after the re-zoning. The rezoning process, however, will shape what is allowed to be developed on site in future, and will see some community benefits secured in the process.
Proposal Details
The subject property is located on the north side of Carling Avenue and has an area of 3.3 acres. The site has 87 metres of frontage along Carling Avenue, 196 metres of frontage along Lebreton Street South, and 94 metres of frontage along Bell Street. The is currently vacant and used as a surface parking lot with 300 parking stalls. To the north of the site is a five-story apartment building. To the east of the site along Bell Street, a high-rise apartment and street townhomes can be found. To the west of the site is a Federal office complex which also includes a large open space along Carling Avenue.
The subject site is currently split zoned Mixed-Use Centre (MC) and Arterial Mainstreet subzone 10 (AM10). The application would create a uniform zoning for the site and introduce zoning provisions with respect to permitted and prohibited uses, building setbacks and stepbacks, maximum building heights, minimum distance separation between towers, and the location of parking. The amendment would create specific zoning designations on the site for both development and parks and open space. A concept plan has been prepared in support of the application demonstrates the development potential which would allow for apartment buildings ranging in height from 20 storeys along Carling avenue, descending to 15 and 8-storeys to the north. A new public park is proposed along Lebreton Street South along with a privately owned publicly accessible space along Bell Street.
Full application details can be found here.
Join our office, representatives of the Old Ottawa South and Heron Park Community Associations, city staff, and the developer for an online consultation on the major development being proposed at the southwest corner of the intersection of Riverside & Bank.
We want to see a lot of changes to this proposal, and a lot of community benefit to come out of this process, but we need your help. Please come out and let the applicant know what you think.
You must register for the zoom meeting in advance here.
Applicant’s Proposal
The City of Ottawa has received an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application to accommodate the future development of a 31-storey mixed use building as well as a 34-storey high-rise apartment dwelling.
Proposal Details
The property is located within the Billing’s Bridge community, south-west of the intersection of Bank Street and Riverside Drive North. The L-shaped site is made up of four abutting parcels, with approximately 104 metres of frontage along Bank Street, 78 metres of frontage along Riverside Drive North and an area of approximately 5,432 square metres. The site currently consists of asphalt parking areas, soft landscaping, as well as three buildings.
The Billings Bridge Shopping Centre and the RA Centre are located to the south of the site. A mix of uses including residential, commercial and offices are located nearby and along Bank Street.
Residential and instituational uses are located along Riverside Drive to the north-east. The Rideau River is located to the north-west.
The applications have been submitted in order to accommodate the future development of a 31-storey mixed use building as well as a 34-storey high-rise apartment dwelling. Parking is to be located primarily below grade and a parkette is proposed near the Bank Street and Riverside Drive North intersection. A Site Plan Control application has not yet been submitted and the design details remain conceptual in nature.
An Official Plan Amendment is required in order to amend the Bank Street Secondary Plan and obtain the following relief:
- Increase to the maximum height to 106 metres,
- Removal of the maximum Floor Space Index requirement,
- Removal of the minimum percentage of building wall required to be located along the Bank Street frontage requirement, and
- Changes to the stepback requirements.
A Zoning By-law amendment is required in order to obtain the following relief:
- Increase to the maximum buidling height to 106 metres,
- Redefinition of the front, rear, corner side and interior side lines,
- Removal of any minimum or maximum buidling setbacks to any property line,
- Removal of minimum setback from a watercourse
- Relief from building stepback requirements, and
- Removal of the minimum percentage of building wall required to be located along the Bank Street frontage requirement.
Full details can be found here.
The University of Ottawa is proposing a development at 200 Lees Avenue in Old Ottawa East. The info-session will be hosted jointly by the Capital Wad and Rideau-Vanier Ward offices on Feb. 24 at 6 pm over Zoom. You must register in advance. Residents are invited to send in questions and comments to [email protected] and [email protected] prior to the meeting, as well as participate live, with the in-meeting chat on Zoom.
REGISTRATION: You must register through Zoom in advance. Please do so HERE
The online consultation will include a presentation from the developer and city planning staff, before opening the conversation up to residents.