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2024 Construction Projects in Capital Ward

Community Buildings


Heron Park Field House Renewal

Ready for Use:

June 2, 2025


All phases of park and facility design, construction and ERMP, from initial meetings and conceptual design phase and public consultation to detailed design development, tendering process, construction and contract administration, final inspection and issuance of the final completion certificates.

Construction dependent on funding. Funding amount will be established by consultant teams detailed cost estimate.

The existing fieldhouse will be shut down for the duration of demolition and new construction. Construction planned to start in spring of 2024 and finish in December of 2024



Glebe Community Centre—Air Cooled Condenser Units

Completion Date:

May 2024


Replacing air-cooled condensers with heat pumps at the Glebe Community Centre.



Glebe Community Centre—Main Hall Flooring Replacement

Ready for Use:

June 28, 2024


New Project to address the floor deficiencies and product failure at the Glebe Community Centre.

The Glebe Hall is planned to be closed to operations and the public from May 21 to June 28, 2024.



Glebe Community Centre Preschool Play Structure Upgrade

Ready for Use:

August 30, 2024


Replace existing preschool play structure with naturalized wood play elements and accessibility improvements at the Glebe Community Centre.


City Facilities and Parks


Ottawa Public Library, Sunnyside Branch—Masonry and Roof Repairs

Completion Date:

October 31, 2024


Work includes:

  • Locally repoint cracked and or deteriorated mortar joints on the exterior walls.
  • Repair cracked and spalled masonry elements.
  • Apply breathable sealer to bottom 5’ of masonry around the perimeter of the building.



Brewer Pool Building—Automation System

Completion Date:

June 28, 2024


Installation of building automation system at Brewer Park complex pool.



Brewer Park Office Building—Facility Demolition

Completion Date:

May 5, 2024


The Demolish Office Building project at Brewer Park Complex, located at 151 Brewer Way, aims to demolish a 1965-built office building that previously served as an elementary school. A condition audit in 2010 recommended demolition due to the end of its life cycle and systems being at or beyond their expected service life.

The scope of the project includes removing hazardous materials, disconnecting site services and utilities, disposing of contaminated soil, and clearing the site of debris. Best efforts will be put forth to maintain the heath of the existing magnolia tree located within the center of the courtyard of the building.

Building will be demolished, the adjacent complex facilities at Brewer will not be impacted during this project.



Brewer Pool—Dehumidifier and Pool Filter System replacement

Completion Date:

October 25, 2024


Replace dehumidifier and pool filtration system at the Brewer Pool.

Shutdown dates to be confirmed with Programing and facility staff.



Brewer Arena—Canopy Roof and Siporex Deck Replacement

Completion Date:

September 1, 2024


Work includes:

  • Remove existing roof assembly including modified bitumen roof membrane, insulation, and Siporex roof deck at the main entrance canopy.
  • Install new steel deck roof assembly suitable for exterior exposed environments.
  • Install new two-ply modified bitumen roof membrane.
  • Install all associated flashings and appurtenances.



Aberdeen Pavilion Rehabilitation

Completion Date:

July 24, 2026


Completion of a targeted rehabilitation of the Aberdeen Pavilion, as part of normal lifecycle management. The work includes selected roof replacement (upper roof, lower roof, and entrance pavilion roofs), metal work repairs (upper dome, corner turrets, cupolas, exterior walls, and decorative metals), structural strengthening (truss system and bracing), replacement of roof planking and purlins, rehabilitation of windows and doors, and replacement of the concrete topping slab.



Springhurst Park Dock Addition

Completion Date:

August 20, 2024


Work Includes:

  • Installation of dock components.
  • Installation of dock anchor system.
  • Reinstallation of existing landscaping.
  • Establishment of accessible route.


Streets Renewals


Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne— Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

October 14, 2025


Integrated road, sewer and watermain project involving combined sewer separation. Roads affected:

  • Greenfield Ave. / Mann Ave. (Main St. to King Edward Ave.)
  • Main St. (Harvey St. to Echo Dr.)
  • Hawthorne Ave. (Colonel By Dr. to Main St.)
  • Echo Dr. / Colonel By Dr. (Concord St. N. to 155m south of Graham Ave.)
  • Concord St. N. (Echo Dr. to Havelock St.)
  • Montcalm St. (Greenfield Ave. to dead end)
  • Harvey St. (Echo St. to Main St.)
  • Colonel By Dr. at Main St. intersection

Traffic Impact:

Closure of SB Main St., Greenfield Ave. to Hawthorne Ave.

Closure of SB Greenfield Ave., Hwy 417 on-ramp to Main St.

Localized closure of Harvey St. (east leg) at Main St.

Detour to access southbound Main St. via Lees Ave.



Bank Street, Riverside to Ledbury—Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

December 1, 2026


The Bank Street Renewal project limits are from Riverside Drive (westbound) to Ledbury Avenue, for a total distance of 3 km.

The underground works include the replacement of the existing distribution watermain, the reconstruction of sections of the sanitary and storm sewers and the rehabilitation of the Sawmill Creek culvert.

The above-ground component includes the full reconstruction of the 4-lane roadway with new concrete sidewalks and curbs, raised asphalt cycle tracks and significant streetscaping improvements.

Additional miscellaneous work will include:

  • Section of watermain to be extended from Sarah Billings Place to the Riverside Hospital, crossing underneath the Transitway, to eliminate the Chalmers vulnerable service area and reduce the impacts of temporary water servicing along Bank St. and the adjacent residential areas during the Bank St. Renewal construction.
  • Watermain replacement along Bank St. between Riverside Dr. westbound and Riverside Dr. eastbound.
  • Cecil Ave. sidewalk link construction.
  • Expedited Drainage Rehabilitation: Brookfield Road Sawmill Creek Outlet.
  • Bank St. (Riverside westbound to Riverside eastbound), Sarah Billings Pl., Sawmill Creek culvert.

Traffic Impact:

Rotating road closures, detours and lane restrictions.



Grove - Grosvenor—Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

December 18, 2024


The city initiated this assignment as a result of field investigation in the area of Grove Ave. between Seneca St. and Bank St., and Grosvenor Ave. between Sunnyside Ave. and Grove Ave., where aging infrastructure was identified.

The sanitary sewers (>70years) are approaching their end-of-life cycle and the investigation shows that the infrastructure is in poor condition. The watermains in Grosvenor Ave. from Sunnyside Ave. to Grove Ave. and Grove Ave. from Seneca St. to Bank St. will be replaced due to age and the presence of lead services.

Since the rehabilitation work will impact significantly the pavement area, the roads along the limit of the projects will be fully reinstated. A northbound on-street bicycle facility will be introduced on Grosvenor Ave. from Cameron Ave. to Sunnyside Ave.

The overall objective of this project is to replace existing aging sanitary sewer and watermain infrastructure which is approaching the end of its lifecycle and is considered to be in poor condition.

Traffic Impact:

Grove Avenue between Bank Street and Grosvenor Avenue will closed to all but local traffic with temporary two-way traffic conversion.



Pretoria Avenue—Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

November 1, 2024


Design and construct a new combined sewer on Pretoria Ave., from Bank St. to Metcalfe St., approximately 430 m. Remove and replace the existing combined sewer and all existing lateral services to the property line. Associated sidewalk and road renewal to take place as well, including bicycle facilities on Pretoria Ave., speed reduction measures and a protected intersection at Pretoria Ave. and O'Conner Ave.

Protection of the existing watermain is required.

Traffic Impact:




Ella-Ralph—Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

October 27, 2025


The scope of this project is to:

  • Design and construct a new combined sewer on Ella St. between Gordon St. and Craig St., remove the existing combined sewers and replace all existing lateral services to the property limits.
  • Design and construct a new combined sewer on Ralph St. between Fifth Ave. and Holmwood Ave., remove the existing combined sewers and replace all existing lateral services to the property limits.
  • Design and construct a new watermain on Ella St. between Gordon St. and Craig St., including replacement of all existing water services to the property limits.
  • Design and construct a new watermain on Ralph St. between Fifth Ave. and Holmwood Ave., including replacement of all existing water services to the property limits.
  • Design and implement full road reconstruction including sidewalks and curbs (where applicable) on Ella St. between Gordon St. and Craig St., and on Ralph St between Fifth Ave and Holmwood Ave.

Traffic Impact:




Smyth Road Cycling Safety Improvements

Completion Date:

October 4, 2024


The project will include providing bicycling facilities across the on-ramps which lead to Riverside drive, and supersharrows just west of the Riverside Hospital Signal. Minor changes at the signalized intersection of Smyth Road at Riverside Hospital are also included in this project.

The project also involves minor modifications on Pleasant Park and Rodney Crescent as part of the implementation of Ottawa Cycling Plan Neighbourhood Bikeways.

Traffic Impact:




Monk-Oakland-Wilton-Woodlawn—Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

June 30, 2025


The aging combined sewers and watermains in Oakland Ave., Wilton Cres., Woodlawn Ave. and Monk St. are approximately 100 years old. They require replacement due to poor condition and lead water services. Full road reconstruction including curbs and sidewalks will be included as well as water and sewer services to the property line. Also, Ernie Brady, Wilton and Tackaberry Lanes will be repaved, as the pavement is in poor condition.

Traffic Impact:

Minor traffic impacts on Wilton Crescent and Monk Street to be expected.



Glebe Avenue—Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Renewal

Completion Date:

October 15, 2024


The city initiated this assignment as a result of field investigation in the area of Glebe Ave. between Bank St. and O’Connor St. The aging sanitary sewer on this section of Glebe Ave., constructed in 1912 was found to be in poor condition and considered for replacement. The watermain over the same section constructed in 1906 is also considered for replacement due to age.

The storm sewer in this area was built in 1960 and is going to be retained and protected.

Traffic Impact:

Glebe Avenue will be closed to through traffic, allowing local traffic to access the street. Each end will be converted temporarily to two-way traffic.



Sidewalk Repairs

Completion Date:

July 1, 2024


Rehabilitation of sites in central Ottawa. Replacement of curbs and sidewalk, asphalt work and installation of Tactile Walking Surface Indicators for accessibility.

Locations include:

  • 1300 Bank St.
  • 530 to 556 Riverdale Ave.
  • 1656 Bank St.

Traffic Impact:

Flagging operations will be undertaken for vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic.



Lees Avenue—Protected Bicycling Lane

Completion Date:



Installation of pin curbs on Lees Ave. bicycle lane westbound, between the LRT corridor and the Highway 417 Lees Avenue exit.

Traffic Impact:



Bridges and Structures


Carleton University - Vincent Massey Footbridge

Completion Date:

2024 (Tentative)


The footbridge is being built as part of the LRT Stage 2 project. The final touches have to to be completed on the footbridge. Much of that work is weather dependent, staff we will be monitoring the progress closely.

After that, the city will need to complete final inspections and that may add another two to three weeks to the opening timeline, depending on any quality issues that are found. An opening date has yet to be confirmed.



Bank Street Canal Bridge—Arch #3

Completion Date:

April 30, 2024


The Arch #3 project will address the repairs required to arch #3, under the bridge. The original 2019-2020 Bank Street Canal Bridge Rehabilitation project CP000274 did similar work under the bridge but did not include repairs to arch #3. This project finalizes the repairs under the bridge.



Confederation Bridge Pier Bearing Replacement

Ready for Use:



Work will occur 1.63 km north of Walkley Rd.

The existing pier bearings of Confederation Heights Bridge O/P O-Train Trillium Line shall be replaced with the bearings that were purchased under phase 1 renovations. Piers 1 & 2 bearings are replaced as part of phase 1 of the contract. The second phase includes piers 3, 4 & 5.



Torrington Retaining Wall

Completion Date:

September 20, 2024


The structure is generally in ‘fair to poor’ condition and programmed for end-of-service-life replacement. The existing stone gravity retaining wall is to be replaced with a new segmental block retaining wall.


Water and Wasterwater Services


Pipe Repairs

Completion Date:

October 15, 2024


Open cut repairs to sanitary/storm pipes at 13 locations across Ottawa.

These sites are identified as critical based on the type of deficiency, consequences of failure, impact due to recurring poor drainage or flooding.

Locations include Chamberlain Ave.



Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Program

Completion Date:

October 31, 2024


As part of the ongoing rehabilitation of sewers, trenchless rehabilitation was chosen as the best method for rehabilitation for 16 sewers located at 13 sites. The overall project objective is to provide the design and trenchless renewal of the following sewers:

  • Clover St. Storm: Clover from 0.09 km to 0.16 km north of Brookfield E
  • Kaladar Ave. Storm: Kaladar from Brookfield E to Dartmouth
  • Queen Elizabeth Way Combined Sewer: North of Queen Elizabeth Way from Bronson to 0.12 km east of Bronson



Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Program

Completion Date:

July 31, 2025


The overall objective of this project is to provide the design and CIPP trenchless renewal of the sewers identified within the charter.

The existing sewers are in need of rehabilitation and renewal is required to mitigate the need for any emergency repairs, extend the life of the sewers and prevent and mitigate future possible basement flooding.

Locations include:

•         Carlsen St.

•         Secord Ave.

•         Apolydor Ave.

•         La Salle St.



Leonard Ave Wase Water Pumping Station (WWPS) Upgrades

Completion Date:

April 30, 2024


The project aims to complete lifecycle replacement of mechanical, electrical, civil and controls components while improving reliability of this WWPS.

City wants to upgrade this station in accordance with the latest operational and health & safety standards, current departmental instrumentation and communication strategy and provide electrical backup power supply system capable of operating this pumping station electrical loads during normal power interruption.

Leonard PS will remain operational all the time—by-pass pumping is mandatory on this project

Traffic Impact:

Due to this SPS location within city right-of-way, there will be traffic impact during project construction, subject to corresponding Traffic Control Plan.



CSO Flow Monitoring Project

Completion Date:

June 25, 2024


Implement flow monitoring equipment at various wastewater pumping stations, with SCADA integration into a Public Reporting System on the city's webpage.



Hurdman Bridge Drinking Water Pumping Station Upgrades

Completion Date:

October 25, 2027


The Hurdman Bridge Drinking Water Pump Station is located just north of the Hurdman Transit Station, adjacent to the CN/CP rail line, between Riverside Dr. and the Rideau River. Constructed in early 1970s the existing Hurdman PS is used to boost water from Zone 1W to eastern water zones of the city. The PS has four pumps which pump from Zone 1W to 1E and a fifth, manually controlled pump, which can pump from 1W to either 1E or 2C. Due to age, much of the equipment at the PS is obsolete or at the end of its lifecycle. The intent of this project is to refurbish the entire station to bring it up to current city standards, meet current and future pumping demands and implement a standby power system at the station. As well there is a need to increase water transfer pumping capacity for Zone 2C. Yard configuration and building repairs and refurbishment are also required. The intent is to refurbish the existing station and site; however, the pump station will have to remain in service during the construction phase of the project. The design and proposed staging must account for keeping the facility in use while work is ongoing.

Phasing planned to eliminate shutdowns.

Traffic Impact:

Traffic impacts limited to one hydrant connection on Transitway access road to Hurdman Transit Station in 2025.



Windsor Park Stormwater PS upgrades

Completion Date:

November 29, 2024


The design objectives of this stormwater PS project are the following:

  • Replace actuators in CHAMBERS 1A and 1C (ensure stem extends for surface access)
  • Replace both sluice gates and actuator in Chamber 1B (Wet Well) (ensure stem extends for surface access).
  • Replace existing Motor Control Center (MCC) with new serviceable model.
  • Investigate use and requirement for wet well supply/exhaust fan.
  • Install new site access (curb depression) and driveway.
  • Install external lockable ladder for roof access.
  • Remove roof hoist.
  • Pump Lifecycle replacement (like-for-like).
  • Revise site grading.
  • Provide a station bypass for main pump and valve isolation.




Billings Bridge Station—Building Automation System Replacement

Ready for Use:



Replace building automation system at the Billings Bridge Transitway Station

Once construction resumes, patrons may find that the lights stay on 24/7 until the work is complete to avoid disruptions in service. Patrons may also find that the heat in the shelter is set "on” during working hours.



Billings Bridge Station—Electrical Room Slab Replacement

Completion Date:

September 1, 2023


Replacement of the North Tower electrical room ceiling / slab and bridge abutment electrical rooms suspended ceiling / concrete slabs, plus localized concrete repairs to the shelter concrete upstand walls where required.

There will be shutdown and programming impacts to the public.

Work will require shutdown of the Mall Bridge access during stage 1b of the construction project estimated construction impacts will be 4 months.

Traffic Impact:

The north tower southbound platform elevator and stairs will be affected by the work and patrons will be directed to the ramp for access. (Ongoing)

Clients will notice that the station will be on temporary lighting throughout the duration of the project. Note that the temporary lighting shall conform to the transitway design guideline requirements. (Ongoing)

Two power outages/interruptions are anticipated in the coming months. Communication and mitigation measures as per OC Transpo's Standard Operating Procedure shall be followed.

Communications/wayfinding will be circulated to patrons of the service and the mall well before the interruptions occur.

Interruptions for the station would go until April 2024.


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