Miles Krauter

Community Care Calls

This event has already taken place.

Our office is pro-actively reaching out to residents to check in on them, and to ensure they are connected to the available information and supports they need. It's a difficult time for so many of our neighbours, and just hearing from someone in itself can be a comfort.

We could use your help checking in on our neighbours.

These weekly phonebanks are an opportunity for several of us to make calls together online. We will be bale to check in with each other between calls over zoom and otherwise be able to digitally work side by side.

If you'd like to assist, please RSVP here. Once RSVPed you will receive instructions. You will also receive a zoom link.

These calls are meant to:

  • Generally check-in with community members
  • Ask how people are doing, and whether there's anything they need help with.
  • Ensure folks have the most up to date information regarding COVID-19 and vaccine rollout, and are aware how to get their vaccine if they have not already.

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