Past events
Application details can be seen in full here.
Applicant’s Proposal
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to rezone the property by applying a site-specific exception to permit the construction of a 16-storey mixed-use building.
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Proposal Details
The subject property is located at the northern edge of the Glebe neighbourhood between Bank Street to the east and Lyon Street to the west.
Generally, the site is dominated by surface parking to support the existing 2.5-storey medical office building at 30 Chamberlain Avenue and two-storey office building at 48 Chamberlain Avenue, which are both proposed to be demolished.
The proposed development is a 16-storey mixed-use building with ground-floor commercial space and 150 residential units, including a mix of studio, one and two-bedroom units. Vehicular access for the development is provided from Chamberlain Avenue on the western portion of the subject property. Two underground parking levels provide 100 vehicle and 112 bicycle parking spaces. Ten at-grade vehicle parking spaces are located along the western property line for visitor, delivery, and short-term parking requirements.
The subject lands are zoned General Mixed-Use, Subzone 4, Maximum Floor Space Index of 3.0 (GM4 F(3.0)) with the easternmost portion of the site also being subject to Urban Exception 469. The purpose of the General Mixed-Use Zone is to allow residential, commercial and institutional uses, or mixed-use development and permit uses that are often large and draw from broader areas than the surrounding community. To facilitate the proposed development, the Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to maintain the parent GM4 zone with the following site-specific exceptions:
1. Extend across the whole site the permission for a Medical Facility Use under Urban Exception 469.
2. Remove the Maximum Floor Space Index and regulate the density through maximum building height and massing.
3. Increase to the Permitted Maximum Building Height from 14 m to 51 m.
4. Rear Yard Setback of 7.5 m for the tower, whereas the High-Rise Zoning provisions require a minimum of 10 m.
5. East Side Yard Setback of 1.5 m for the tower, whereas the High-Rise Zoning provisions require a minimum of 10 m.
6. Relief from the Landscaping requirements for a parking lot.
7. Reduce the Driveway and Drive Aisle width leading to a parking lot from 6.7 m to 6.0 m.
8. Permit Stacked Bicycle Parking, whereas the Zoning By-law requires that spaces be horizontal or vertical.
Ward 17 Meeting on New Official Plan--We Need Your Feedback!
The draft New Official Plan was released at the end of November and provides a high-level overview of how the city will manage intensification, transportation, and the environment over the next 30 years. It’s a dense document and the City has provided 21 one-pagers on various topics to break it down. You can offer your feedback though tailored forms linked to these one-pagers, or more generally to the [email protected]. Look out for an excellent presentation by the Old Ottawa South Community Association Planning Committee on some major issues in the new OP, to be posted shortly on their website at: The feedback deadline is coming up fast on February 17, and the Community Association feedback deadline has been extended until March 12.
Our office will be hosting a meeting on the new OP on February 11 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. To start, City staff will give a brief presentation, and then we’ll split up into breakout rooms to discuss more detailed issues by community. All are welcome to attend. The meeting is geared more toward focused discussion than a general overview, so you will benefit by reading some of the material beforehand.
Our office is hosting a consultation on Zoom, in concert with the Glebe Community Association and Minto, on a development proposal for 178-200 Isabella. Details of the proposal can be found here.
Applicant’s Proposal
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit a 16-storey high-rise mixed-use building with a rooftop enclosed amenity area projection. A four-level underground parking garage with approximately 172 vehicular parking spaces is proposed.
Join us Tuesday night for an emergency public meeting on the future of Lansdowne Park and the city's P3 agreement with the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG).
You must register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Write to Council
Let City Council know now that you do not want to change the Lansdowne deal, and that you want public consultations & a plan for the rest of us by clicking here.
Speak at FEDCO
The current proposal on Lansdowne is to be voted on at Finance and Economic Development Committee (FEDCO) meeting on Thursday November 12th.
Members of the public can register to speak at FEDCO by sending an e-mail in advance to Carole Legault at [email protected] requesting to register as a 'public delegation'.
Public delegations are given 5 minutes to make their point to committee.
Please join us for the final public open house for the Bank St in the Glebe Height and Character Study
Zoom link here
Meeting ID: 934 8909 6828
Passcode: 043940
Join city councillors Diane Deans, Riley Brockington, Jean Cloutier and Shawn Menard for an online discussion of the 2021 City of Ottawa Budget. There will be a presentation by the city finance department, followed by an opportunity to ask questions to the councillors.
Register for event here
Joignez-vous aux conseillers municipaux Diane Deans, Riley Brockington, Jean Cloutier et Shawn Menard pour une discussion en ligne sur le budget de la Ville d’Ottawa de 2021. Le service des finances de la Ville fera une présentation, suivie d’une occasion de poser des questions aux conseillers.
Inscrivez-vous à l'événement ici
Councillor, local community groups and Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) lead public Lansdowne Aberdeen Square Project consultation.
Find the presentation here
Register in advance for this webinar here
Le conseiller municipal, les groupes communautaires locaux et l’Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) mènent une consultation publique sur le projet de la Place Aberdeen à Lansdowne.
Trouvez la présentation ici
Inscrivez-vous à l’avance ici