Lansdowne Park

  • We released a vision document of what Lansdowne Park could and should be (read it here). After release of this document, new improvements did come to the park: car traffic was restricted between Aberdeen Square and Aberdeen Pavilion, and new seating areas and proper shading to be added to the square (read more about that here).
  • The Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG)--the P3 consortium that has partnered with the City to develop and operate much of Lansdowne Park--almost had the city agree to a handover of the publicly-managed portions of Lansdowne Park. Our office joined with residents and campaigned against this proposal, and we succeeded. Read more about those efforts here.
  • During the pandemic OSEG requested various changes to the contract with the city that amounted to a bailout. We put together a financial analysis demonstrating how further concessions to our P3 partner represented a bad deal for taxpayers. We also campaigned against this package. Unfortunately, the package passed, though we did succeed in making some changes to it.

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