38 RSVPs

Development Consultation: Riverside & Bank

This event has already taken place.

This will be the second consultation on the proposed development. Community members will be presented with the changes made to the proposal since the last consultation, and be given an opportunity to provide further feedback. From the new submission:

The proposal is for a mixed-use development consisting of two high-rise buildings and a privately owned public space...

The buildings will consist of a podium and tower configuration, with the north building (29 storeys) containing only residential uses and the south building (27 storeys) containing non-residential uses on the ground floor with residential uses above. Parking will be located primarily below grade with a two-level garage that serves both buildings. The northeast corner of the site will contain an urban plaza framed by the Bank and Riverside westbound (WB) intersection, and this is intended to function as a privately owned public space.

The full application and all related documents can be found here.

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