Winter Weather Advisory - February 13, 2019

The major snowfall we received overnight has affected city operations. Here are some weather-related updates:

Snow Clearing

Since yesterday, more than 30 cm of snow has fallen. City crews began clearing snow yesterday and continued working through the night. The primary focus was arterial streets and sidewalks, but this morning, they began plowing some residential streets. Still, with even more snow falling today, this is going to be a long clean-up.

Public Works asks residents to support efficient snow clearing by:

  • Keeping cars off the road wherever possible – the parking ban remains in effect;
  • Sidewalks will take longer to clear due to the volume of snow and our need to use blowers – please be patient and be cautious while walking;
  • Giving our vehicles space to operate – please do not pass on the right or crowd the vehicles; and
  • Only calling 311 if it is a true emergency – we know it is snowing and we are doing our best to get to your neighbourhood.

There will likely be multiple clearing runs to take care of residential areas, and crews will be continuing to work on major streets and arterials. Digging out from all this snow will be on-going all week.

Winter Parking Ban Remains in Effect

We want to remind residents that the parking ban remains in effect and roads are to be kept clear of cars to facilitate a more efficient road clearing process.

City Council Cancelled

City council was scheduled to meet this morning, but due to the weather, it has been cancelled. The mayor has asked all city staff to work from home, if they can, so City Hall will be quiet today.

City Hall Office Closed

Because of the weather, our City Hall office is closed, but staff are all working remotely. If you need something, please email [email protected].

Budget Speak Consultation Cancelled

Unfortunately, the public budget consultation planned for this evening at City Hall has been cancelled.

Garbage Collection Delayed

Garbage collection has been delayed by a day due to the weather.

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