June 6th Capital Ward Bulletin

It has been an extremely busy time at city hall, please find an update below.

Pop-Up Office: I’ll be having a Pop-Up Office at Life of Pie (1134 Bank Street) Friday June 7 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Stop by for some coffee, a snack and a chat. RSVP here.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Motion: In the past year, the provincial government announced cuts to support for families with children on the autism spectrum. This is a short-sighted and damaging move by the province that will harm families and individuals in our city. This month, my motion to have Ottawa City Council ask the province to pause implementation of their cuts and to conduct proper public consultation with the communities affected was passed. With Ottawa, Toronto, and other municipalities, calling on the province to reconsider, we are optimistic that the province will hear us and the people we represent.

Vision Zero Motion: This past month, a bicyclist was killed out in front of City Hall. He was riding in an unprotected floating bike lane wedged between two car lanes. Sadly, this sort of configuration has been decried by activists as dangerous for years, but still the city did nothing.

It’s time now to do something. At the June 12 meeting of City Council, I will be seconding a motion by Councillor McKenney to implement a proper Vision Zero (i.e. achieving a target of zero fatalities) policy and framework. This includes long-term changes to the way we build our streets, and immediate changes we can quickly implement (like eliminating “beg buttons” and “revert reds”).

Slower, Safer Streets in Capital Ward: Collaborating with local community associations, we are currently working with city planners to implement 30 km/h Gateway Speed Zones in Capital Ward. Right now, we are looking at implementing these on the west side of the Glebe and the west side of Old Ottawa South. In the coming years, we hope to expand this to the entire ward. Safe streets are important in Capital Ward and we will be consulting with residents on ways to improve our roads in the coming months and years.

Online Public Engagement Opportunities: The city invites you to speak up on a host of issues and projects currently underway. You can complete online surveys regarding the Official Plan, the city’s Accessibility Plan, the Open Ottawa data portal and more. Just check out the Engage Ottawa website.

Rental Accommodations Study: Public consultations for the Rental Accommodations Study have now been announced. This is a chance for residents to have a say regarding Airbnb, student housing, 'bunkhouse' developments and landlord licensing. More information, including dates and times for public consultations as well as links to online surveys on the various aspects of the study, can be found on the city’s website here.

Public Open House: Chamberlain Avenue, Catherine Street and Isabella Street Functional Design Study. On Thursday June 6, there will be a public consultation at Glashan Public School, 28 Arlington Avenue, from 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm. For more information, visit the website.

Public Consultation: Bank Street Height and Character Study. The second public consultation for the Bank Street Height and Character Study will be happening on Thursday June 20 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the Glebe Community Centre. For more information, visit the website.

The Official Plan: The urban councillors will be hosting a public consultation on the Official Plan at City Hall on Monday June 24 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm in Jean Piggott Hall. RSVP here.

Public Consultation: 1050-1060 Bank Street. Join us for a community consultation meeting to discuss the proposed 6-storey apartment building to provide 46 new units with ground floor commercial. RSVP here.

Tuesday June 11th 
7 :00 PM - 8:30 PM
Old Ottawa South

Developing the future of municipal recreation and cultural activity spaces:We invite you to share your ideas and comments on municipal recreation facilities. Tell us what works and what doesn’t work to help us plan for the future of recreationand cultural activity spaces in Ottawa!

Accessibility is an important consideration for the City of Ottawa. If you require accommodation, please contact the project team at [email protected] or 613-580-2424 ext. 27366 before June 7.

529 Garage Bike Security: You can register your bike with 529 Garage which will provide the city and police services to have the information necessary to help recover a lost or stolen bike. Learn more or register here.

Confronting Climate Emergency: There a panel discussion followed by a Q&A session on Friday May 31 at the Sandy Hill Community Centre (250 Somerset Street East). The event is sponsored by Solidarity Ottawa, Free Transit Ottawa and Extinction Rebellion. More information can be found on the Free Transit Ottawa website.

Party in the Park! The Glebe Annex Community Association is hosting a party in Dalhousie South Park, 343 Bell Street South, on Saturday June 22. There’ll music, food, games, prizes and an art tent. Oh, and you can meet Sparky, the Ottawa Fury’s mascot!

Responsible Dog Owners of Canada will be at the CHEO Teddy Bear Picnic! Come to Rideau Hall on Saturday June 22 between 8:30 am and 1:00 pm, learn about dog safety and meet a therapy dog. You can learn more at http://www.responsibledogowners.ca.

The Ottawa Police Services Board is looking for a new Chief of Police: You can provide feedback through an online survey on what you believe are the issues and challenges facing the Ottawa Police Service and what we need in a new Chief. There’s an online survey running until June 7:

And there will be a community town hall on Wednesday June 5, from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm at St. Elias Centre, 750 Ridgewood Ave. Register here.

Workshops for new Ottawa Public Library: Have your say on the new Public Library by providing feedback at Inspire555.ca, or registering for a workshop.

There’s a lot going on in our ward and our city—and a lot of important work to be done. I look forward working with you and for you on these issues.

As always, thank you for choosing me to represent the people of Capital Ward.


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