Capital Ward Bulletin: Capital Ward Construction and a Consultation for Lansdowne 2.0

Lansdowne 2.0—Launch of the Public Engagement

The City of Ottawa is launching our public engagement efforts for Lansdowne 2.0.

The consultation will last several months and is going to include a series of online and in-person surveys, a newsletter, community consultation workshops, business consultation workshops, as well as a number of pop-up engagement activities. These will provide residents and businesses with the opportunity to learn more about the project, ask questions, and provide feedback.

The first opportunity is the Concept Plan survey for the Lansdowne 2.0 project.

The survey is an important step in the public engagement process and residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the project's concept plans.

Last year, we listed our Top Ten concerns about the Lansdowne 2.0 plan. We remain concerned—when it comes to the financial model dictating the design of the proposed towers, the lack of a transportation plan or affordable housing, the loss of 58,000 square feet of public greenspace, and the need to advance basic low-cost improvements to the site first (such as a proper crossing at Queen Elizabeth Drive to the canal, a safe water feature, winter activities and improved connectivity to the site).

The survey is now available here.

If you have any questions about Lansdowne 2.0, you can contact the project team at [email protected].

Learn more here.

Colonel By Catch Basin Replacement

Work has begun on the Catch Basin Lead Replacement project along Colonel By Drive between Avenue Road and Mount Pleasant Avenue. The bulk of the project should be completed by the end of April, with the finishing work done by May 22.

At times, there will lane closures during non-peak hours between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm weekdays where Colonel By Drive will be reduced to one lane with flagging assistance. Cycling and pedestrian access will be maintained, but at times will be detoured briefly using flaggers to ensure a safety. 

Windsor Park Skate Sharpening Fundraiser

The Old Ottawa South community, the City of Ottawa Ringette Association (CORA) and The Ottawa Centre Minor Hockey Association (OCMHA) have been struggling to find a convenient, reasonably-priced skate sharpening establishment over the last few years. From discussions with community members, an idea was born to launch a community-owned and -operated skate sharpening initiative, run by volunteers. 

The organizers behind this initiative are currently running a fundraiser to get it off the ground. Please consider donating, if you can.

Renewal of Torrington Retaining Wall

Work is expected to start this spring on the renewal of the Torrington Place Retaining Wall, located on the northwest corner of Torrington Place, between Findlay and Holmwood. The work will include:

  • Excavation of the existing embankment and installation of temporary protection systems
  • Removal of the existing grouted stone retaining wall
  • Construction of a new segmental block retaining wall
  • Partial removal and reconstruction of the concrete sidewalk along the retaining wall.

The work will require the installation of construction fencing and the temporary closure of the sidewalk. The contractor will provide a safe and accessible pedestrian detour the opposite side of Torrington.

The projected should be completed this summer.

New Speed Cameras

The city has announced a list of new Automated Speed Enforcements (ASE) cameras to be implemented this year, and two are slated for Capital Ward. A new camera on First Avenue, between Chrysler and Percy right next to Glebe Collegiate Institute, will be piloted. This has been a problem spot flagged both by the community association and by residents of First Avenue.

Second, we’ll see a camera on Bronson near Sunnyside. Bronson has been a concern because of two parks in proximity (Brewer Park and Eugene Forsey Park) and the safety of students crossing for Carleton University. Slowing traffic on Bronson will be a significant safety improvement for the ward.

Hurdman Station Shelter

Recently at Transit Commission, there was a discussion regarding the temporary scaffolding shelter at both Hurdman and Tunney’s Pasture Stations. I was happy to support Councillor Marty Carr’s motion to keep the scaffolding in place at Hurdman Station for the near future. Further, I have asked staff to report back with suggested improvements to Hurdman and Tunney’s Pasture, including permanent sheltering solutions.

I look forward to implementing a proper, permanent solution.

Reining in Developer Influence

In the last two election campaigns, we spoke about the need to rein in the undue influence of developers at City Hall. There was a bombshell report from the city’s Integrity Commissioner last term that put the revolving door between private developers and public sector office holders at City Hall on display. As part of council deliberations on that report, I introduced a motion directing staff to bring forward regulations to address this problem. I am pleased to report that new regulations have been developed and were passed by council: Public office holders now face post-employment prohibitions on lobbying, including a cooling-off period of one year. This is a step in the right direction towards a City Hall that puts people first.

On the Road Walk for Mental Health

On June 2, Greg and Aaron McPherson will begin a 24 hour-walk, touching on all 24 wards in the Ottawa, with a planned arrival at Ottawa City Hall at noon, the following day. They are raising funds for the Youth Services Bureau’s Mental Health Services, which include a crisis phone line, crisis chat service, walk-in clinics and youth and family counselling.

To donate or join the walk, please visit

Climate Action Survey

Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (CAFES) is raising awareness of climate issues at the municipal level, and in engaging people in climate action. To advocate effectively, they need to know what kinds of messages and climate solutions resonate with residents. The purpose of this survey is to gain insight into what Ottawa residents think about climate solutions at the individual and city level.

You can fill out the survey online (English only).

Kidney Health Month

March is Kidney Health Month. This is an important time of year to highlight the impact of kidney disease and raise awareness of kidney health in communities across the country. People living with kidney disease fight a lifelong battle, and The Kidney Foundation’s mission is to support those affected every step of the way with educational resources and support programs. 

This month, the Kidney Foundation of Canada is running a fundraising campaign to help support people living with kidney disease and to drive research. Please consider supporting their campaign.

Throughout March, they will also be running an awareness campaign, featuring stories of Ontarians affected by kidney disease, and they invite you to participate. Share a photo of yourself on social media along with your connection to kidney disease, using the hashtags #MakeYourMark and #KidneyHealthMonth.

Your Capital Ward

Photo by Caroline Warburton

If you have a photo you’d like to share in an upcoming bulletin, please send it to [email protected], with the subject line Your Capital Ward. Please give us your name for attribution…or tell us if you’d rather not have your name shared.

Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne Reconstruction Project

The Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne et al. Reconstruction Project will involve the construction of sewers, watermains, electrical infrastructure, roadways, sidewalks, cycle paths, intersection modifications, and streetscape/landscape treatments within the City’s right of ways.

The purpose of the overall Greenfield-Main-Hawthorne et al. Reconstruction Project is to replace aging combined sewers with separate storm and sanitary sewers, replace sections of older watermains, and reconstruct the roadways, including the implementation of Complete Street features for the betterment of all road users in your community.

Construction will begin in March 2023. The initial activities will include mobilization to site, site trailer setup, tree removals and survey work. The project will be delivered in three phases, with expected completion for the fall of 2025.

The 2023 phase of the work is planned to occur between late March and early December. This initial phase will include works along:

  • Greenfield Avenue, between Concord Street and King Edward Avenue
  • Concord Street, between Greenfield Avenue and Echo Drive
  • Echo Drive, between Main and Concord streets
  • Main Street, between Harvey Street and Hawthorne Avenue
  • Echo Drive, between Immaculata High School and Graham Avenue
  • Colonel By Drive, between Graham and Hawthorne avenues
  • Hawthorne Avenue, between Colonel By Drive and Main Street

The 2024 phase of work is planned to occur between early April and early December. This second phase will include works along:

  • Main Street, between Echo Drive and Harvey Street
  • Greenfield Avenue, between Main and Concord streets
  • Harvey Street, between Main Street and Echo Drive
  • Echo Drive, between the dead-end at HWY 417 and Main Street
  • Montcalm Street, between Greenfield Avenue and the dead-end
  • Concord Street, between Greenfield Avenue and Havelock Street
  • Streets in the 2023 phase will see paving and miscellaneous landscaping complete

The 2025 phase of work is planned to begin in early April and run to early fall.

  • Lees Avenue Multi-use Pathway (MUP) east of Greenfield Avenue
  • Sewer abandonment under the Rideau Canal
  • Sewer / watermain abandonment on Colonel By Drive (Hawthorne Avenue to Harvey Street)
  • Streets in the 2024 phase will see paving and miscellaneous landscaping completed

For more information, please visit the city website.

Grove Avenue and Grosvenor Avenue Integrated Road, Sewer and Watermain Project—Online Engagement Opportunity (t)

The City of Ottawa invites you to review and provide comments on the new documents and illustrations posted on for the Grove Avenue and Grosvenor Avenue Integrated project by March 31, 2023. Your feedback can be submitted by email or by phone to the city’s project manager named below.

The City of Ottawa is undertaking the design for the renewal of the infrastructure on Grove Avenue and Grosvenor Avenue. The proposed work consists of the renewal of the sewers, watermains, roadways and sidewalks.

The proposed work will occur on Grove Avenue from Brewer Park to Bank Street, and Grosvenor Avenue from Grove Avenue to Sunnyside Avenue.

The design work for this project is concluding and construction is expected to start in summer 2023, pending approvals including budget and overall construction coordination. The timing for the project will be confirmed closer to construction.

For further information about this project, please visit the project webpage at, and/or to submit comments on the project, please contact the city project manager:

City Project Manager
James Porter, P.Eng.
Engineer, Infrastructure Projects
Design and Construction—Municipal
100 Constellation Drive, Ottawa, ON K2G 6J8
Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 30339
Email: [email protected]

New Zoning By-law—Launch of Discussion Papers

The City of Ottawa is starting consultation on the development of a new Zoning By-law with the release of seven discussion papers, available on the City’s Engage Ottawa page starting on March 6. These papers address key issues relating to the implementation of the new Official Plan, including:

  • Climate change, resiliency, public health
  • Neighbourhood character
  • Neighbourhood zones
  • New approaches to regulating land use
  • Trees intensification and the urban tree canopy
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Rural zoning issues.

This release marks the first chance for the public to consult on the implementation of the recently approved new Official plan through the development of a new Ottawa Zoning By-law. The city welcomes feedback and input from members of the public and will summarize their responses in an As We Heard It report in Summer 2023. Consultations on the discussion papers will inform development of the first draft of the new Zoning By-law. We encourage members of the public to review the discussion papers and share their thoughts and ideas, as their input will play a critical role in shaping the future of our city.

Cleaning The Capital 2023 Spring Campaign

Spring is on its way and the Cleaning the Capital Spring Campaign will proceed with registration starting March 15th, and cleanup projects taking place between April 15 and May 31.

Cleaning the Capital is a citywide cleanup that occurs in the spring and fall of every year, bringing Ottawa residents together as a community to help clean litter from our public spaces. Cleaning the Capital is an exciting opportunity for residents to show their civic pride and take an active role in helping maintain a beautiful city.

Participants can register their cleanup projects by using the online registration form available at or by calling 3-1-1. The registration form populates an interactive map, showing which locations have already been chosen for cleanup projects. Participants can choose from a variety of public spaces to clean, including green spaces and community parks, roadsides, shorelines, or even areas around bus stops. Cleanup kits, which include garbage bags, recycling bags, paper bags, and gloves, will be made available for pick-up by registrants at one of ten City of Ottawa facilities across the city. This year, based on survey data from participants and demand, we are including three additional pick-up locations for cleanup kits!

Key Spring Campaign Dates:

March 15: Registration opens

April 15 to May 31: Cleaning the Capital Spring campaign

April 22: Earth Day 2023

May 1: Registration closes

June 15: Deadline to submit online cleanup reports

Applications are Now Open for the 2023 Paint it Up! Mural Program

Looking for a way to help deter vandalism and beautify the community while empowering our City’s youth through community arts? Look no further than the Paint it Up! mural program.

Over 2,831 youth between the ages of 12 and 25 have participated in the program since it began in 2010. Almost 96 funded murals are now beautifying many areas of the city with local art.

Applications for this year’s Paint it Up! program are now open.

Want to learn more? Crime Prevention Ottawa is hosting two virtual information sessions on Wednesday, March 22. You can register for one of these sessions by visiting

Those interested in participating will need to keep two deadlines in mind:

  • You must submit your mural design and location for approval by Thursday, March 23, 2023 via the City of Ottawa’s By-Law and Regulatory Services online form.
  • The complete application will need to be submitted to Crime Prevention Ottawa by Friday, April 14, 2023.

The Council on Aging of Ottawa—Snow Moles 2023

SNOW MOLES are volunteers who report on what it is like to walk outside on a winter day.

You are invited to ensure healthy, accessible, and safe winter walking conditions in Ottawa, by becoming a SNOW MOLE and completing a Winter Walkability and Pedestrian Safety Questionnaire. Your answers will be part of a 2023 Winter Walking in Ottawa: Snow Moles Report shared with the City of Ottawa for better understanding of the safety of winter walking in Ottawa.

Instructions for Age-Friendly Ottawa SNOW MOLES

  1. When you go out for an errand or a walk, please use the Snow Mole Questionnaire to note features and conditions that are “safe” (e.g., a bench cleared of snow) as well as “unsafe” (e.g., snow piled up in intersections).
  2. We encourage you to take and submit photos of both safe and unsafe features and conditions. If possible, include street signs in your photo.  Send photos to [email protected].
  3. Complete the questionnaire online at or drop off/mail it to: The Council on Aging of Ottawa 217-815 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, ON K1K 3A7.


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