Capital Ward Bulletin: Environment News, Upcoming Events and A Better Lansdowne

Ottawa considering a move to bag-tag system for curbside waste collection

To reduce unnecessary waste going to landfill and increase participation in recycling and Green Bin programs, the City is considering changing curbside garbage collection in Ottawa to a partial pay-as-you-throw program. Should Council approve this policy, households receiving curbside garbage collection could set out 55 garbage items each year at no additional cost besides the solid waste fee on their property tax bill, beginning in spring of 2024.

 If households exceed the allowed amount, they will have the option of purchasing extra tags for $3 each, which represents cost recovery for disposing of one bag. There would continue to be no limit to how much residents can set out through curbside recycling and green bins. One item of garbage can be an 140L garbage bag, a bulky item, or a standard size garbage bin, allowing for multiple bags to be placed in the bin. See images below as a guide.

The proposed change is part of a larger process to develop a new Solid Waste Master Plan, motivated in part by the fact that the Trail Road Landfill is projected to reach capacity in the next 15 years. While the City is considering both short-term and long-term solutions for waste, the easiest and most cost-efficient way to extend the life of the landfill is to divert as much waste as possible by encouraging increased participation in our existing recycling and organics programs.

The city is looking at long term options ranging from siting a new landfill to leveraging new technologies, including incineration. However, both options will cost in the range of $350M to $400M and will take 10-15 years to site, construct, and operate, which is why short-term solutions, like changes to curbside collection, are so critical. By better utilizing these programs, we can avoid more costly options for taxpayers – a key concern for all residents and a priority I share. The policy will be debated at the June 5th Environment and Climate Change Committee meeting and proceed to the following Council on June 14th for a vote.

Upcoming Wildlife Strategy Consultation

The City of Ottawa is undertaking a review of its Wildlife Strategy, which was approved by Council ten years ago in 2013. The purpose of the strategy is to guide human-wildlife interaction, manage conflict, and promote respectful co-existence. The City will be hosting a virtual public information session on May 31 at 6:30pm where residents can learns more about the strategy, the review process, and have an opportunity to ask questions. Please register in advance for the session and email [email protected] for more information.

Staff have implemented many of the strategies recommended actions such as the Wildlife Speaker Series and updated Protocol for Wildlife Protection during construction. Other recommendations, such as the establishment of a Wildlife Officer, have remained unfunded, which has made it difficult to manage all the needs in a city like Ottawa where 80% of the land area is rural and habitat is shared between humans and animals.

High Performance Development Standards Deferred at Council

At Ottawa City Council on May 10, Councillors passed a walk-on motion to delay the implementation of High Performance Development Standard (HPDS) a collection of voluntary and required standards that raise the performance of new building projects to achieve sustainable and resilient design. These “green development standards” are applied to new developments and have been successfully used by many municipalities across Ontario as a way to build the capacity of the industry. On April 13, 2022 (last term of Council) council approved the standards, with implementation pending Provincial approval of the New Official Plan. 

The City of Ottawa did extensive consultation on the HPDS, with experts in the field, industry, and the public. Staff also included a provision that they would adjust to any provincial changes from Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act which initially removed the authority for municipalities to impose sustainable design criteria through Site Plan Control.

All of these accommodations to the standard made the last-minute motion to further align the standard with provincial direction redundant. In reality, this motion opens to the door to weakening the HPDS and delays implementation until potentially the winter of 2024. You can read the full text of the HPDS update that went to Council, and the subsequent motion in the Council minutes, and watch the lively discussion on youtube, starting at 13:20.

Together, Let’s Build A Better Lansdowne

We have launched a new website, A Better Lansdowne, at There, you can learn about the Lansdowne 2.0 proposal, our five improvements for the plan and some background information on the Lansdowne P3 deal. 

We have launched an online survey. We want to know what you want out of A Better Lansdowne.

The city will be hosting an online public consultation on the public realm elements of Lansdowne at 6:00 pm on May 17. 

Bank Street Tree Well Cover Replacement Project

This spring, the city will begin replacing the tree well covers along Bank Street in the Glebe. These covers were installed as part of the re-construction project in 2012 and, over time, have become severely damaged.

This replacement project will create a better pedestrian environment. The project also presents some opportunities to improve the overall health of the trees and maximize growing space.

The work should be completed this fall.

Lansdowne Tree Planters

Over the years, it has been difficult for trees to survive at Lansdowne. To improve conditions for trees, new planter boxes are being installed currently along Marche Way and Exhibition Way. With more space and greater protection from salt and grit in the winter, we hope to see some thriving trees at Lansdowne.

Bank Street Soil Cell Project

Keeping with trees, over the next two years, we will see new trees planted in the Glebe using a soil cell project that should facilitate healthy growth in tight spaces.

This year, the city plans to plant two new trees on Glebe Avenue at Bank, alongside the Shopper’s Drug Mart. This will require a road narrowing, but access will be maintained for all road users.

Next spring, the city intends to add ten new trees on Bank outside Lansdowne Park. This will require some lane closures, but access will be maintained for all road users. Work should be completed before the RedBlacks season.

New Bus Shelter Coming to Lansdowne

Staff have secured an additional bus shelter for Bank Street outside of Lansdowne. A concrete pad will need to be installed in the sidewalk and then the shelter can be installed. This work will be done in conjunction with the soil cell project next year.

We know the current shelter is big enough, so we’re happy to see a new one installed.

Rideau Canal Lighting

For the past number of years, many lights have been out along both Queen Elizabeth Drive and Colonel By Drive. This has been a frustrating situation for residents. The lack of proper lighting is a serious concern.

In recent years, we’ve had a number of discussions with both NCC representatives and with city staff, trying to get a solution and seeking some temporary lights in the interim.

The main problem with the lights is an antiquated electrical system that prevented simple bulb replacements for these lights. Further, the design of the globes allowed for water leakage, shorting out the system.

Last month, the NCC announced that work would begin on replacing the lights along the canal. Work will begin this year and will be completed in 2025. This will include lights along the roadway as well as along the pathways. Suitable replacements will be used to ensure the lights align with the heritage standards along the roads.

Heron Park Road Paving

As part of the City of Ottawa’s annual infrastructure maintenance cycle, road resurfacing will occur along various roadways.

The following roadways will be resurfaced during the day and will involve minor lane interruptions:

  • Bélanger Avenue from Clémentine Boulevard to 27m west of Bank Street
  • Clementine Boulevard from Heron Road to Belanger Avenue
  • Brulé Avenue from Bavlie Avenue to the dead end

Work will involve milling or pulverizing of the existing surface, possible granular material placement, adjustment of maintenance hole and catch basin grates, concrete repairs, and roadway resurfacing. Increased noise levels to be expected in order to facilitate the work.

The City of Ottawa will be resurfacing roads as preventative maintenance aimed at extending the City's roadway network lifecycle.

This work is expected to start the week of May 8 and completion is anticipated by fall 2023.

The road will remain open to traffic with lane closures expected. Traffic control personnel will direct traffic through the site.

Weekend work is anticipated for all locations and traffic interruptions may also be experienced due to flagging operations.

Bathrooms in Parks

This month, portable toilets are being installed in parks around the city. Crews have been waiting into fields are dry in order not to damage the turf during installation.

Also, comfort stations in parks will be open daily. Opening when staff arrive in the morning to fill wading pools until they leave the park in the evening.

We are happy that this issue we championed in the last election and pushed for during the 2023 budget deliberations is being acted on.

In the coming years, we will work to extend comfort station hours and water fountains, as well as extending the hours of splash pads and wading pools. These are inexpensive measures that will improve the quality-of-life in our city.

Glebe Report Celebrates 50 Years

Fifty years ago on June 17, 1973, the Glebe Report released its inaugural issue under the stewardship of its first editor, Penny Sanger. Over the years, the Glebe Report has given a voice to individual residents and to the community, as a whole, highlighting important local matters that would too often get lost in larger publications. The Glebe is lucky to have this institution.

So congratulations to the Glebe Report! And here’s to another 50 years!

Bus Route Review

OC Transpo is currently conducting a review of all bus routes. For our city to thrive, we need a robust, reliable and accessible transit service. I recommend providing your feedback to OC Transpo, so that they know we need to improve and increase bus service in Capital Ward and throughout the city.

Complete the online survey

Customers and residents can get involved by completing a short survey asking about how you use the transit system and what you think the future of our transit system should look like. The survey is available in English, French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Arabic.

Complete the survey today!

Attend an in-person open house

Residents are invited to attend an open house to provide feedback about Ottawa’s future bus network. OC Transpo has organized the following open house sessions in the coming weeks where you can share comments and provide input about Ottawa’s future bus network.

Date and time

Location and address

Wednesday, May 17

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Ray Friel Recreation Complex, 1585 10th Line Road, Orleans

Register for open house at Ray Friel

Wednesday, May 24

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean

Register for open house at Nepean Sportsplex

Thursday, June 1

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

City Hall, Champlain room, 110 Laurier Avenue West

Register for open house at City Hall

Participate in the virtual meeting

Residents are also offered the option to attend a Zoom meeting. Click the button below to register by May 23, 2023. You will be sent a meeting link by email.

Tuesday, May 23
Virtual Zoom meeting
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Register for the Virtual Zoom meeting

If you cannot attend the sessions listed above, you can also email your feedback to [email protected] or call 613-560-5000.

Your budget, your say: Provide feedback on City’s budget engagement

Residents can provide feedback on the City of Ottawa’s annual budget process by completing a short survey that will be used to help inform how the city engages residents. It’s open until Wednesday, May 24 and won’t take more than a few minutes of your time. Visit for more information.

For more information about the City of Ottawa’s budget, visit the Understanding your City Budget page on

Ottawa’s Electric Kick Scooter Pilot Program—2023 Season 

City council has approved the continuation of the e-scooter program, selecting two scooter providers and making improvements to the program.

Scooters have a role to play in the modernization of transportation system. It provides a useful alternative to driving, complements our active transportation system and provides a “last mile” solution for transit users.

But it also needs to be done thoughtfully and respectfully to reduce conflicts between scooter users and pedestrians, ensuring there is space for all road users. We support the continuation of the program, but we also want to see continued improvements to our active transportation network to help accommodate this new mode of transportation.

The season will begin in a few pre-selected neighborhoods bounded by Booth Street in the west, and the Ottawa River in the east and the south (the same areas they operated in 2022). The deployment area will expand to a larger operational area (still within the city’s urban core) in phases in the coming weeks.

Shared e-scooter providers use geofence technology to create “no ride”, “no park” and “slow zones” including transit stations, NCC pathways, the ByWard Market (with the exception of York Street) and City of Ottawa parking garages. 

An interactive map is available on where riders can click through the map to see the 2023 e-scooter deployment area. You will also see no-ride zones and slow-ride zones. Riders can also explore the city’s network of cycling facilities and multi-use pathways using the Official Cycling Map

Any complaints or inquiries received should be directed to the city’s e-form located on here: Report a problem with e-scooters | City of Ottawa

Your Capital Ward

If you have a photo you’d like to share in an upcoming bulletin, please send it to [email protected], with the subject line Your Capital Ward. Please give us your name for attribution…or tell us if you’d rather not have your name shared.

Climate Change Community Dialogues

June 6, 7:-00 pm to 9:00 pm,
Trinity Church of the Nazarene

Are you interested in learning more about how climate change will affect Ottawa, and in discussing community preparedness for these impacts with other residents? Join your local community association at a climate change community dialogue.

This dialogue will be an opportunity to learn about climate impacts and risks and share how you see them affecting you and your community. It will also be a chance to discuss actions that individuals, communities and the City can take to prepare for climate impacts.

This event is part of a series of community dialogues co-organized by CAFES and partner Community Associations across Ottawa. The insights from the dialogues will be sent back to Community Associations, attendees, and to the City's Climate Change and Resiliency team to help inform the Climate Resiliency Strategy

Find out more and register: June 6, 7-9pm, Trinity Church of the Nazarene.

Rain Barrel Fundraiser for Rainbow Kidschool

Looking to start using a rain barrel this year to save on your water bill and still water your garden or wash your car? Already have a rain barrel and now want another one or additional supplies, we can help. Rainbow Kidschool is again partnering with for a Rain Barrel fundraiser running until June 1, we receive $10 from the sale of each rain barrel. Pick up is scheduled for June 6 provided we can get 75 rain barrels ordered and you can pick it up at the center, or have your order delivered to you.

Just go to to place your order. Thank you! We greatly appreciate your support.

The Mayor’s Annual Canada Day Celebration for Seniors

If you are interested in attending the Mayor’s Annual Canada Day Celebration for Seniors, our office has a limited number of tickets available for residents of Capital Ward. You can email us at [email protected].

This event will take place on Saturday, July 1, from 8:00 am until 10:30 am in the Aberdeen Pavilion, Lansdowne Park, and tickets for the general public will be available as of Monday, June 5 by calling the City of Ottawa at 613-580-2424, ext. 21245 or by emailing [email protected].

Bronson Off Ramp Closure

Starting last month, the Ministry of Ontario has closed the westbound Queensway off ramp at Bronson Avenue. This closure is expect to last until October. Detour signage is in place.

Help Protect Migratory Birds from Window Collisions 

Spring migration has begun and thousands of birds who fly through or choose Ottawa as their summer home are arriving daily until late June. Safe Wings Ottawa, a nonprofit volunteer-based organization working to prevent fatal collisions with glass, estimates that over 250,000 birds in Ottawa alone collide with windows every year, including Species At Risk. Birds don’t perceive glass; what they see are reflections of trees or sky and they will fly towards them at full speed. The first four stories of buildings tend to have the most collisions, and they can occur at any type of building, including residences and cottages, or with clear deck railings. It’s especially important to make your windows bird-safe if you attract birds through feeding or plantings. Luckily there are simple solutions to make glass bird-safe!

Safe Wings Ottawa is launching a Residential Bird Collision Solutions Spring Campaign to share information about various small-scale solutions, which residents are invited to read about on its website. One collision solution proven to work by scientific studies and local users is Feather Friendly window markers installed on the outside surface. From May 13 to 28, residents can take advantage of a 15% discount on Feather Friendly products from Wild Birds Unlimited by purchasing online or in store at their Ottawa and Kanata locations. Other local events being organized around WMBD are being communicated separately by the Ottawa Wild Bird Care Centre, Ecology Ottawa, Bird-Friendly Cities Ottawa, and Safe Wings Ottawa.

In closing, should you find an injured or dead bird, please call Safe Wings Ottawa at 613-216-8999.

Starts With Home—Email to Minister Campaign

Ottawa will be receiving a mere $845,000 increase, or just 0.4% of the Province’s budget commitment of $202 million dollars. Toronto will be receiving 60 times as much increased funding as Ottawa. Yet, we are the second largest city in Ontario.

This funding decision means that we will have to cancel supportive housing units and critical programs to support people to exit homelessness. We all know building a community for everyone #StartsWithHome

Make your voice heard. Write a letter to Minster Clark and Premier Ford to help ensure we save lives and receive the care our community desperately needs.

A Message from The Ottawa Health Coalition

The Ottawa Health Coalition is organizing a public referendum to ask people—yes or no—if they want our public hospital services to be privatized to for-profit hospitals and clinics. Our communities have spent a hundred years fundraising and volunteering to support our local public hospitals and build services closer to home. Now the Ford government is planning to take thousands of surgeries and diagnostic tests out of our local public hospitals and privatize them to for-profit hospitals and clinics. For-profit privatization is a fatal threat to our cherished public health care system. We believe we can stop this if we work together. The referendum will be held in community voting stations across the province on Friday May 26 and Saturday May 27, staffed by volunteers. We will also be organizing workplace votes and roving ballot box votes in as many places as possible throughout the month of May. In early May, people have the opportunity to vote online. Anyone who resides in Ontario and is age 16 or older can register a vote. We hope you will consider supporting us in this action by:

  • Identifying a potential polling station(s)
  • Hosting a polling station at your business door on May 26 and 27 (if you own a business)
  • Help organize a vote at an organization/group you belong to
  • Help organize a workplace vote if you belong to a workplace
  • Advertising the referendum at an organization/group you belong to or in your place of business (we provide leaflets and posters Eng & Fr)
  • Signing up to volunteer to help with this campaign
  • Donating to the Ottawa Health Coalition to support our work

If you are able to support in one of these ways, please let us know by emailing [email protected] as soon as you can as we would like to advertise the polling stations leading up to the vote. Please share this message widely with family, friends and contacts. More information is available here.

Passage to Freedom, a Documentary

Hearts of Freedom: the Southeast Asian Refugee Historical Research Project is presenting Passage to Freedom, a 2022 Canadian documentary film, directed by Sheila Petzold. Passage to Freedom describes firsthand the dire conditions faced by Southeast Asian refugees who embarked on perilous voyages from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to Canada.

The film will be shown on Saturday May 20 at 2:30 pm at the Mayfair Theatre.

Residents are Asked to Stay off Sports Fields and Baseball Diamonds

The City of Ottawa is asking residents, rental contract holders and organizers of large public events to stay off all municipal ball diamonds and sports fields. League conveners for ball diamonds will be contacted directly to advise that May 1 season opening for ball fields is being delayed. 

Ball diamonds and sports fields require additional maintenance and drying time before they open and could be damaged if used while in their current condition. Parks maintenance crews have been supporting several priority operations, including the cleanup of the significant ice storm and spring freshet mitigation.

Ball diamonds will open gradually. An announcement on a revised date for the opening of ball diamonds will be made in the coming days and permit holders will receive direct notification.

First Annual Transit Job Fair and Roadshow taking place from May 24 to May 27

Join OC Transpo for the first ever Transit Job Fair and Roadshow taking place from Wednesday, May 24 to Saturday, May 27 at various stations! Are you looking for a rewarding career in public transit that offers excellent benefits, a comprehensive pension plan and career growth opportunities? If so, this is your chance to learn more!

In 2023, OC Transpo is hiring over 500 new staff members, including Bus Operators, Customer Service Representatives, Licensed Mechanics, Garage Supervisors and much more.

OC Transpo’s recruitment team will be at various stations to connect directly with job seekers. You’ll have a chance to talk to the experts about the application process and set yourself up for success. This event will begin with the Transit Job Roadshow from May 24 to 26 and will culminate with a large Transit Job Fair on Saturday, May 27 at Greenboro Station.

May 24 to 26 Transit Job Roadshow

From Wednesday, May 24 to Friday, May 26 OC Transpo’s recruitment team will be at various transit stations to share information about current job openings available at OC Transpo.

  • Blair Station: Wednesday, May 24 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Hurdman Station: Wednesday, May 24 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Billings Bridge Station: Thursday, May 25 from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Baseline Station: Friday, May 26 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • Tunney’s Pasture Station: Friday, May 26 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

May 27 Transit Job Fair

OC Transpo is hosting its very own job fair at Greenboro Station from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The recruitment team will be available to connect with you directly about current job openings and will provide presentations on interview tips and how to fill out online applications. Find out exactly what each job is like! Learn from current employees who will be on-site to speak first-hand about what they do and why they love working at OC Transpo. If you want to work with us, you can’t afford to miss this!

Visit for more details on the Transit Career Roadshow and Fair and to learn about OC Transpo’s current job openings.

Victoria Day Schedule Changes

The City of Ottawa would like to remind residents of the following schedule changes and impacts to City services for the Victoria Day holiday on Monday, May 22. 

Client Service Centres

  • The city’s 3-1-1 Contact Centre will be open for urgent matters only. Please visit ca/311 for more information.
  • The Client Service Centres at Ottawa City Hall, Ben Franklin Place, 580 Terry Fox Drive and 255 Centrum Boulevard and the city’s Provincial Offences Court at 100 Constellation Drive will be closed.
  • The Business Licensing Centre at 735 Industrial Avenue will be closed.

Green bin, recycling and garbage collection

  • There will be no curbside green bin, recycling, garbage or bulky item collection on Monday, May 22. The pick-up will take place on Tuesday, May 23. In addition, the collection will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.
  • Residents can sign up to receive reminders and service alerts for their waste collection day by email or phone at ca/CollectionCalendar.
  • Multi-residential garbage containers will be collected on the regular scheduled day. Collections of multi-residential recycling containers, bulky items and green bins will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week.
  • The Trail Waste Facility will be open from 9 am to 5 pm.


  • All city parking regulations and restrictions apply.

Transit Services

  • OC Transpo buses and O-Train Line 1 will run on a Sunday schedule.
  • Rural Shopper Route 301 will not be running.
  • Every Saturday, Sunday, and holiday (including Victoria Day), the whole family can ride all day for $11.25 on a single DayPass. Purchase your Family DayPass at any ticket machine or from your bus operator. A family can be made up of as many as six people, with a maximum of two aged 13 or older. Children seven and under ride for free every day!
  • OC Transpo Customer Service (613-560-5000) will be open from 7 am to 9 pm.
  • OC Transpo’s Customer Service Centre located at the Rideau Centre will be open.
  • OC Transpo Lost and Found at Heartwood House will be closed.
  • Para Transpo:
    • Para Transpo will operate a holiday service. Regular scheduled trips will be automatically cancelled on Monday, May 22. Customers can book trips for Victoria Day between Monday, May 15, and Sunday, May 21, by using My Para Transpo or calling 613-560-5000.
    • The reservation line will be open from 7 am to 5 pm.
    • The trip information and cancellation line will be open from 6 am to 12:30 am.
    • Para Transpo customers can also text 57272 (5-PARA) to live text with Customer Service Representatives for information and cancellations.
    • The Taxi Coupon line will remain open.
  • For more information on Victoria Day service, visit com or call 613-560-5000. You can also connect with OC Transpo through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Recreation and cultural services

  • Most indoor pools and arenas, as well as recreation and community centres will be open and operating on a modified schedule. Please check the facility’s pages on ca for details.
    • Please note that some regular public swims may be cancelled on short notice due to a shortage of lifeguards. It is recommended you confirm by checking with the facility before leaving home.
  • All art centres, theatres, galleries, archives and museums except the Nepean Creative Arts Centre will be closed on Monday, May 22. 
  • Washrooms at Mooney’s Bay, Britannia Beach and Petrie Island will open on Saturday, May 20, water levels permitting.

Ottawa Public Health

Municipal child-care services

Library Services

  • All Ottawa Public Library branches will be closed on Monday, May 22. Virtual services, loans and programs can be accessed on the Ottawa Public Library website.


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