Capital Ward Bulletin: International Women's Day and Draft Budget 2023, Capital Ward Improvements

Today is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Women and gender equity is key to building a vibrant and inclusive community, and the City’s Women and Gender Equity Strategy continues to guide the City’s work in removing barriers and improving access for all women and gender diverse persons.

Draft Budget 2023—Capital Ward Investments

Last week, city council approved the 2023 budget. Budget deliberations require collaboration, discussion and compromise, as competing visions for the future of our city are presented for debate and discussion. Heading into these budget discussions, I was concerned about the across-the-board 2.5% nominal tax increase—because inflation has been above 6% in recent months. With so many issues and projects requiring funding, it was going to be difficult find money for the important work of our city.

Despite this restriction, we were able to work with staff and other council members to make some improvements to the original draft budget that was presented a month ago.

Working with Somerset Councillor Ariel Troster, we presented a motion to extend wading pool hours this summer, and to increase the availability of park bathrooms. I was happy to see this motion pass.

I was also happy to support various motions from other councillors. Councillor Laine Johnson’s motion to increase affordable housing by an additional $1 million passed. In future years, much more funding will be needed, but it was good to see an increase over last year.

To further help with the city’s housing crisis, the Community Services Committee approved a roadmap to better deal with housing and homelessness. This roadmap needs to move us away from the shelter system, getting people housed, instead.

Council passed Councillor Riley Brockington’s motion to provide free transit to children 12 and under. This is a policy we have been working on with staff since last term, and it will help make transit more affordable and viable for many families. It also sets us on the path to creating a healthy transit culture in our city.

There are still significant concerns about this budget. It’s unclear how we will be able to properly fund transit. We aren’t putting enough money into mental health supports. And as the city continues to sprawl outwards, we will have to find new and creative ways to fund infrastructure and services for all residents. There will be much work to do for the rest of this term.

There are a lot of necessary projects in Capital Ward that are receiving funding. Here are some the key investments we were able to secure:

Integrated Road, Water & Wastewater: Starting in 2023

Bank Street between Riverside Drive and Ledbury Avenue ($27M)

The proposed renewal of Bank Street includes the installation, rehabilitation and/or replacement of various components of the underground infrastructure including watermains and sanitary and storm sewers. The project also includes the rehabilitation of streetscape elements including sidewalk, cycling, transit and vehicle provisions, street lighting, traffic signals and streetscape improvements. 

The vision for the Bank Street Renewal project is to rehabilitate underground infrastructure and construct a safe arterial main street which will cater to vehicles, transit, cyclists and pedestrians.

The project has been separated into phases. Here is a breakdown of the overall project schedule:

  • Phase 1A (Bank Street Renewal Advanced Miscellaneous Works): Construction to begin in summer 2023, with completion late 2023.
  • Phase 1: Construction currently planned to begin spring 2024.
  • Phase 2: Construction to begin following completion of Phase 1.

The preliminary design of Phase 1 is now complete and is currently in detailed design. The Phase 2 design will resume following completion of the Phase 1 design and tender.

The City of Ottawa invites you to attend an upcoming Public Information Session to discuss a reconstruction project planned in your neighbourhood.

Through this session, the City of Ottawa will be presenting the latest design drawings, proposed schedule, and construction information related to the Bank Street Renewal Advanced Miscellaneous Works project in advance of the start of construction in spring 2023. The Information Session will also provide an update on the design progress of the overall Bank Street Renewal Project, Riverside to Ledbury.

Thursday, March 9, 2023
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Ridgemont High School Cafeteria – Room 153
2597 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa

Learn more here.

Riverside Drive Sewers

The Riverside Drive sewers south of Industrial Avenue will be renewed.

Year of Completion: 2023

Monk Street, Oakland Avenue and Wilton Crescent

The aging combined sewers and watermains in Oakland, Wilton Ln, Wilton Cres, Woodlawn and Monk require replacement due to poor condition and lead water services. Full road reconstruction including curbs and sidewalks will be included as well as water and sewer services to the property line.

Year of Completion: 2025

Grove and Grosvenor Avenues ($10M)

The existing watermains and sanitary sewers in Grove Ave from Seneca St to Bank St and Grosvenor Ave from Sunnyside Ave to Grove Ave require replacement due to age, condition and the presence of lead water services. Full road reconstruction or resurfacing including curbs and sidewalks will be included as required and the limits of resurfacing on Grove Ave will be extended to 110m west of Seneca St. Associated water and sewer services will be replaced to the property line. The traffic safety and enhancement measures to be implemented include: speed tables, raised intersections, bulb-outs, reduced roadway widths for 30 km/h operating speeds, and northbound painted cycle facility on Grosvenor Ave from Grove to Cameron.

Year of Completion: 2023

Greenfield Avenue, Main Street and Hawthorne Avenue ($9M)

The combined sewers in Concord, Echo, Greenfield, Harvey, Main and Montcalm will be reconstructed due to age, condition and to allow for sewer separation. The existing sanitary sewers in Hawthorne will be replaced due to age & condition. The existing storm sewer in Hawthorne will be replaced due to alignment conflicts. The watermains within the project limits will be replaced due to age, condition and the presence of lead services. Full road reconstruction including curbs & sidewalks will be included. Enhancements include cycle tracks on Main, Hawthorne & Greenfield. A MUP on Echo (Hawthorne-Graham). Interlocking paver Blvd. on Hawthorne & Main. New sidewalk on Echo (Harvey-HWY 417) & a new sidewalk on Montcalm (Greenfield-Concord) as well as hydro burial and property costs.

Year of Completion: 2027

Pretoria Avenue ($4M)

The aging combined sewers in Pretoria Ave from Bank St. to Metcalfe St. require replacement due to poor condition. The watermains do not require replacement unless impacted by the construction of adjacent infrastructure. Full road reconstruction including bump outs to narrow the travel lane as a speed reduction measure, a cycle lane (QED to Metcalfe) as well as a Protected Intersection. Associated sewer services will be replaced to the property line.

Year of Completion: 2024

Cameron Avenue – Seneca Street ($2M)

The aging watermain and sanitary sewers on Cameron Street from Seneca to Riverdale and on Seneca St from Grove Ave to Cameron Avenue require replacement due to age, condition and the assumed presence of lead water services (1908/1958). Full road reconstruction will include curb and sidewalk. Associated water and sewer services will be replaced to the property line.

Year of Completion: 2026

Clarey Avenue, Regent Street, Morris Street, Monk Street, Thornton Avenue, Melgund Avenue

The aging combined sewers on the street segments listed below require replacement due to age, condition and the assumed presence of lead water services (1950). Full road reconstruction will include curb and sidewalk. Efforts will be made to separate (into individual sanitary and storm systems) segments of the project currently serviced by a combined sewer system. Associated water and sewer services will be replaced to the property line. Road segments include: Clarey St from Bank St to Dead End, Regent St from Bank St to Dead End, Morris St from Fifth Ave to Holmwood Ave, Thorton Ave from Monk St to Ralph St, Melgund Ave from Monk St to Ralph St and Monk St from Fifth Ave to Holmwood Ave.

Year of Completion: 2026

Infrastructure: 2023

Bank Street Active Transportation Study and Transit Operations Feasibility Study

This study was sought by our office coming out of the Bank Street Height and Character Study. This study will occur this year and will include the review of a pilot to improve safety conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and drivers.

New Ottawa Hospital Pathway Connection to Dow’s Lake Station Study

As part of the transportation planning for the new Civic Hospital, the city will be reviewing connections between the Dow’s Lake LRT station on Carling Avenue and the main hospital building.

Road Resurfacing: 2023 to 2025

Road resurfacing provides for resurfacing and rehabilitation of the City's roadway network. It is required to extend the life of the infrastructure and prevent roadway failures requiring more extensive reconstruction. The resurfacing program includes enhancements for new paved shoulders, pavement marking and signage, pavement safety edges, and renewal of existing paved shoulders for selected roads that meet program criteria

Clementine Boulevard

Resurfacing will occur from Heron Road to Bélanger Avenue.

Lees Avenue

Resurfacing will occur from Chestnut St. to 30 m East of the Transitway Overpass. Pedestrian and bicycling improvements are expected.

Colonel By Drive

Resurfacing will occur from Hogs Back to Bank Street.

Echo Drive

Resurfacing will occur from Colonel By Drive to Bank Street.

Nicholas St

Resurfacing will occur from Mann Avenue to Laurier Avenue East.

Lycée Place and Frobisher Lane

Resurfacing will occur for the entirety of both Lycée Place and Frobisher Lane.

Bridge Structures: 2023 to 2025

Rideau River Pedestrian Bridge (Vincent Massey Park to Carleton University)

A new pedestrian bridge between Carleton and Vincent Massey Park is expected to be completed in 2023 as part of the LRT Stage 2 project.

Old Railway Rideau River Pedestrian Bridge

Design work on the rail bridge behind the University of Ottawa near Lees Avenue is expected to begin in 2023 with construction beginning in 2025.

Bank Street Canal Bridge

The surface of the bridge will be re-paved and painted in the coming construction season, completing the work that begun last year.

Design work will continue for the underside of the middle arch of the bridge.

Confederation Heights Rail Transit Bridge

Renewal work will be conducted on the transit bridge.

Parks, Recreation and Culture: 2023 to 2024

Aberdeen Pavilion and Aberdeen Square ($6M)

This request is for the design funds and the initial phase of construction for structural remediation of the Aberdeen Pavilion. In addition, there will be funds to add shade and seating to Aberdeen Square.

Windsor Park and Heron Park Fieldhouses ($3.8M)

Along with $2.25M in ward cash-in-lieu funding, the budget provides funds for the design and construction of new fieldhouses at Windsor Park (to be completed in a few years) and Heron Park (to be completed this year and next).

Sunnyside Library Roof ($270,000)

The budget includes funds for the roof replacement at the Sunnyside Library. The design of the project will commence in 2023. Construction is planned for 2024.

Replacement of cooling equipment at Glebe Community Centre ($280,000)

The 2023 draft budget includes funds for the replacement of air-cooled condenser units at the Glebe Community Centre. The design of the project will commence in 2023. Construction is planned for 2024.

Brewer Park Master Plan Study ($100,000)

This is funding will help us consult on the process for renewal of the park and its amenities. Some preliminary work was undertaken but halted during the pandemic.

We aim to continue this now.

Brown’s Inlet Park ($2,000)

New park signage will be installed this year at Brown’s Inlet.

Springhurst Park Dock

Cash-in-lieu funding from our office for the new dock going in at Springhurst Park.

Operation and maintenance of the Deschâtelets Community Building Facility



The budget provides new operating funding to start up operations of the facility later this year, including facility maintenance, maintenance staff and programming.

Transit: 2023

New bus shelter at Heron Road and Data Centre Road ($15,000)

OC Transpo will install a new bus shelter at the intersection of Heron Road and Data Centre Road.

Street Lighting Major Replacements: 2023 to 2025

2544 Yarmouth Crescent

Streetlight and cable replacement is expected to be completed by 2025.

Future Projects


Detailed design has been completed. Construction is not expected to begin before 2026.

Bronson Avenue

Consultation work has been started by our office. Construction is not expected to begin before 2026.

Glebe (Bank to O’Connor)

Detail design has begun and public consultations will occur in 2023. Construction is expected for 2024.


Design and consultation is expected to begin in 2024.

O’Connor St. Bicycling Lanes (Glebe to Pretoria)

Repaving and maintenance of the O’Connor bike lanes is expected to be completed by 2025. Design work is currently underway.

Percy St. Cycle Track Renewal (Flora to Chamberlain)

Renewal work is expected to be completed by 2025.


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