Bank Street Transportation Forum--As We Heard It

As part of his 2018 Election Platform, Capital Ward Councillor supported “improved connectivity and safety for cycling and walking in Capital Ward.” In various debates, Bank Street and the Bank Street Bridge were raised by all candidates in the election as issues that needed to be addressed. As part of his ongoing efforts to make Capital Ward the safest ward in Ottawa for active transportation, Councillor Menard convened a public forum on Bank Street transportation through the Glebe and Old Ottawa South.

All too frequently, Bank Street is not meeting the transportation needs of Ottawa residents. The transportation failures affect road users of all modal types—pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders and motorists—severely hampering mobility along this Traditional Main Street and throughout our communities.

The transportation issues on Bank Street have a deleterious effect for the communities living in these areas. Bank Street is the main street through these communities, and without a vibrant, livable, functional main street, these communities suffer. Further, the current transportation situation hurts neighbourhood businesses, as fewer customers will visit their stores than otherwise would, and employees suffer challenges attempting to make it to work on time.

It is past time for the city to address these longstanding issues, and any remedies implemented must be done so with proper input from communities and merchants.

As a first step in this process, the Bank Street Transportation Forum was held the evening of December 18, 2020, at the Old Ottawa South Community Centre. Representatives from Bike Ottawa, Ottawa Transit Riders, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, OC Transpo, the Glebe BIA and the City of Ottawa Transportation Services Department attended and participated in the forum. Approximately 50 residents attended the forum.

You can download the full report here [PDF].

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