The Ministry of Transportation has offered us an update on the upcoming work taking place in 2022 as part of the Midtown Bridge Replacement project that started last year. Below is an overview of the expected construction work, highway lane and ramp closures, and city street impacts. You may find more information on the project website at
Queensway Midtown Bridge Replacement Update—April 2022
2022 Construction Season Overview:
Bridge Work:
- Booth and Rochester new bridges continue to be constructed in the Raymond staging area and work is on schedule.
- Booth Bridge is on schedule to be replaced July 15–17, 2022.
- Rochester Bridge in on schedule to be replaced August 12-14, 2022.
- Bronson and Percy new bridge work within the Bronson staging area (Bronson/Chamberlain former School Board building site) has recently started and will continue in 2022.
- Bronson and Percy bridge replacements are scheduled to take place July 14-16 (Bronson) and August 11–13 (Percy) in the summer of 2023.
Highway Work—Drainage, Earth Retaining Walls, and Noise Barriers:
- Highway retaining walls and noise barrier replacement between Rochester and Percy Streets will continue in 2022.
- Highway grading and drainage will continue between Rochester and Percy Streets in 2022.
Significant Highway Lane and Ramp Closures:
- Highway traffic staging in east and westbound lanes will continue in 2022. The outside lane in each eastbound and westbound direction will remain as it is today.
- Lyon Street westbound Highway 417 on-ramp will remain closed until 2025.
- Highway 417 eastbound off-ramp to Bronson Avenue will remain closed until fall 2022. This ramp was originally expected to be open in June 2022, however the opening of this ramp has been delayed due to an unexpected issue relating to the City of Ottawa’s watermain next to this ramp.
- Bronson Avenue westbound Highway 417 on-ramp will close in this month and is expected to reopen in fall 2022.
- Full Highway 417 closure for Booth and Rochester bridge replacements:
- Booth – July 14, 19:00 to July 18, 06:00
- Rochester – August 11, 19:00 to August 15, 06:00
Please note: highway detours on city streets will be in place during both bridge replacements. Signing will be in place in advance of the closure to forewarn motorists and detour signing during the full closures will be installed in coordination with the city.
Significant City Street Closures:
- Raymond Street between Booth and Rochester will remain closed for 2022.
- Raymond Street between LeBreton and Booth reduced to a single lane in 2022.
- Booth Street full closure between Daniel McCann Street norther to Arlington Street will be closed for three weeks for the bridge replacement in July—dates to be confirmed.
- Rochester Street full closures between Highway 417 eastbound off-ramp northerly to approximately 100m north of Highway 417 will be closed for three weeks for the bridge replacement event in August 2022—dates to be confirmed.
- Percy Street full closure between Chamberlain and Catherine Streets with no access to vehicles starting April 2022 and will remain closed until end of 2023.
- Percy Street pedestrian and cycling paths to be closed for 7 days in 2022—dates to be confirmed.
- Bronson Street lane reductions between Highway 417 eastbound off-ramp northerly to Catherine Street expected in 2022—minimum of one lane in each direction as well as one sidewalk expected to be maintained at all times.
- Pedestrian/cyclist detours will be implemented for all city street closures.