City staff released a memo today outlining COVID-19 vaccine distribution plans in Ottawa.
Three phases of vaccine distribution were outlined in the memo:
The memo also specifies four clinics for COVID-19 vaccination, beyond the Ottawa Hospital (Civic campus), that are set to begin operations as early as this month, including one at Lansdowne Park in Capital Ward:
the City and OPH will be prepared to launch its four community clinics as soon as mid-January for the population groups targeted in Phase 1. These clinics have been identified as a contingency measure should more vaccine become available (or arrives sooner) than expected. The four clinic sites are identified as follows:
1. Horticulture Building, 1525 Princess Patricia Way
2. Eva James Memorial Centre, 65 Stonehaven Drive
3. Orléans Client Service Centre, 255 Centrum Boulevard
4. Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue