COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Update

City staff released a memo today outlining COVID-19 vaccine distribution plans in Ottawa. 

Three phases of vaccine distribution were outlined in the memo:

The memo also specifies four clinics for COVID-19 vaccination, beyond the Ottawa Hospital (Civic campus), that are set to begin operations as early as this month, including one at Lansdowne Park in Capital Ward:

the City and OPH will be prepared to launch its four community clinics as soon as mid-January for the population groups targeted in Phase 1. These clinics have been identified as a contingency measure should more vaccine become available (or arrives sooner) than expected. The four clinic sites are identified as follows:
1. Horticulture Building, 1525 Princess Patricia Way
2. Eva James Memorial Centre, 65 Stonehaven Drive
3. Orléans Client Service Centre, 255 Centrum Boulevard
4. Nepean Sportsplex, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue

Please see the full memo here.

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