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Harvard Avenue Consultation—April 2022

This event has already taken place.

We will be holding an online consultation to discuss ongoing issues on Harvard Avenue.

The consultation will be held on Wednesday, April 6, from 7:00 to 8:00 pm.

Please visit www.ShawnMenard.ca/HarvardAvenue for details.

We will be discussing the following issues:

Pumping Station Construction: The Harvard Sanitary Pumping Station is located at 29 Harvard Avenue, at the intersection of Harvard Avenue and Raleigh Street. The facility was constructed in 1935 and underwent a complete reconstruction in 1995. The pumping station is located between two residential houses, with very little buffer between the properties.

Due to the proximity of the Harvard Pumping Station to the Rideau River, when the water table is high in spring, portable pumps must be brought in to handle the flows, which require 24-hour coverage and lead to significant operating costs. It is in need of a capacity upgrade to handle high inflow and exfiltration, as well as other upgrades to bring it inline with city standards.

The project has experienced delays, and the ongoing work has caused significant difficulties for the residents of Harvard. We will be discussing what work remains and the city’s timeline.

Winter Parking Regulations: There has been a request made to consider a winter parking ban on Harvard Avenue, due to concerns about the ability of snowplows and emergency vehicles being able to access the street.

Our office distributed flyers and spoke with some residents seeking feedback. The results were mixed, and we do not feel we had enough input from residents of Harvard Avenue to make to determine the wishes of residents.

The questions we will be seeking to answer are, should Harvard Avenue have a winter parking ban, and, if so, on which side of the street should parking be banned?

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