Press Release - Katasa Pulls Community Benefit Agreement in Wake of Council Decision

For Immediate Release

January 29, 2024


Groupe Katasa has rescinded their voluntary commitment to enter into a community benefits agreement with the City of Ottawa after last week’s council decision that would have seen the funds spread across the city rather than be devoted to the community in which it was intended.

In recent years, the developer has received approval for developments along Carling Avenue, both in Dow’s Lake and the Glebe Annex. After approval of the current development proposal, a voluntary agreement was drafted that would see commitments to permanent affordable housing and traffic safety in the area.

Last week, the developer submitted a letter to the city outlining their intention to provide this voluntary contribution. In the letter, they state, “[t]his site and community has been through a great deal over time and notwithstanding, they have still been able to give [Katasa] an opportunity to listen to them and come to a [sic] understanding and a great project…Katasa wanted to give this contribution to show our appreciation to the neighbourhood.”

(The full letter can be found below or downloaded here [PDF].)

These voluntary community benefit agreements have been done before in the city, most prominently the Heron Gate agreement just a few years ago. The agreement with Katasa was reviewed multiple times by the city’s legal team, the Integrity Commissioner, and the Planning and Housing Committee before being presented to city council.

“It is disappointing that last week’s council decision has led to the loss of this agreement and the benefits that would have gone to the community,” Councillor Menard stated. “It demonstrates the need for a proper city policy.”

You can read Councillor Menard’s comments on the city council decision here.

You can download this press release here.

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