Capital Ward Bulletin: Updates from City Hall, Summer Events and the Lansdowne Tour Re-Scheduled

Lansdowne Site Tour Re-Scheduled

Due to weather, we postponed this week’s media briefing and public site tour of Lansdowne. We have re-scheduled the tour for Monday June 26, from 10:00 to 11:00 am. We will still meet at the southeast corner of Bank and Holmwood. This event will happen rain or shine and is open to the public.

During this tour, we will discuss the current state of Lansdowne, its history, the Lansdowne 2.0 Proposal and what we should do to help Lansdowne reach its full potential.

The tour will visit key locations in the park, both existing amenities and the sites of proposed re-development. A scale model created by residents will be on display.

We will also release the preliminary results of a survey on Lansdowne 2.0.

If you already RSVPed for the original event, don’t worry, you’re still on the list.

If you’d like RSVP you can visit our Better Lansdowne website.

Motion to Improve Lansdowne 2.0 Proposal

Throughout the Lansdowne 2.0 process, we have been pushing to ensure that the residents’ voices are heard. Residents have provided great comments and suggestions. Your feedback must be included in the outcomes of this process.

To try to ensure transparency about how the proposal may be changing and to ensure community feedback is given its due consideration, we will be presenting a motion to calls for two things from staff: 

  • That an interim update be provided to the public that would include any proposed staff changes to the original Lansdowne 2.0 plan well before this is scheduled to be approved. 
  • That all reports and applications detail how public input was or was not incorporated through revisions to the proposal. 

Our motion will be considered at the July 26 council meeting. 

Learn more about what’s going on at Lansdowne at the city’s website.

Wading Pools Opening in June

Outdoor wading pools will be opening this month. Wading pools have staggered opening and closing dates. All pools are open six days a week. The dates for the pools in Capital Ward are:

Brantwood Park: June 23 to August 18, closed Mondays
Sylvia Holden Park: June 30 to August 25, closed Mondays
Windsor Park, June 30 to August 25, closed Tuesdays
Heron Park June 30 to August 25, Closed Fridays

Swimming hours:

Monday and Friday, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Tuesday to Thursday, 12:00 to 7:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 12:00 to 5:00 pm

This year, most wading pools will be open on July 1 and August 1, except for locations whose scheduled closed day fall on these dates. This change in city policy stems from a motion we had passed at council during budget deliberations, and we’re very glad to see it enacted.

For more information, visit the city website.

Bike Share Report

Bike Share programs have been successful throughout North America, including in nearby cities like Montreal, Toronto and Hamilton. If properly planned and funded, a bike share program would provide a valuable transportation alternative for residents throughout the city.

On June 22, we will be introducing a report to the Transportation Committee endorsing a bike share program and directing staff to continue reviewing different potential bike share models, reporting back to council with recommendations for a program for Ottawa.

This will build off the work already begun by staff which was included in the 2021 Public Bike Parking Strategy, as a result of a motion we brought forward.

Implementing a city-owned bike-share program that could provide fast, efficient connections to LRT and transit hubs in both urban and suburban communities would help give Ottawa a more functional transportation system.

If you would like to speak at the upcoming Transportation Committee meeting, please contact the Committee Coordinator, Rosa Ramos: (613) 580-2424, ext. 21934 or [email protected].

Three-Item Limit Passed for Curbside Waste Collection

After extensive discussion at council, the city approved a firm three-item limit for residential curbside waste collection. The policy change is an improvement from our current six-item limit, but less bold than the staff recommendation for a partial pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) system that allotted each resident 55 garbage tags per year at no cost beyond the solid waste user fee, and the option to purchase tags at $3 each for additional items. An item of garbage could include multiple bags, and would comprise a 140-litre bin, or one bulky item. After an initial period of education, bags beyond the three-item limit would be left at the curb, to be dropped at the Trail Road landfill by the resident.

While our office supported the motion that passed at council as a political compromise, we preferred a stricter garbage limit with flexibility to purchase tags that would allow us to meet provincial targets for diverting organic waste. Currently, according to a recent staff audit, 58% of garbage at the curb could be composted or recycled, with 45% organic material and 13% recyclable items. With the Trail Road landfill projected to reach capacity in 10-15 years, and a new landfill or incinerator predicted to cost $300-450M, diverting waste is cost-effective and environmentally urgent.

We appreciate everyone who we spoke to and who wrote to us on this important issue. We will keep on pushing for solutions that reduce waste at the source, save us money, and help us meet our climate change objectives.

Full Moon Yoga at Lansdowne Park

City of Ottawa and it’s Yoga Partners are happy to announce another season of FREE Full Moon Yoga at Lansdowne!
These classes are open to all levels, so join us for a wonderful moonlit class! These sessions will allow you to de-stress at the same time as improving your flexibility and strength. It is the perfect way to find peace in our busy lives!

So grab your mats and your yoga buddies and we’ll see you at Lansdowne Park!

Monday, July 3
9:00 to 10:00 pm
Presented by Erin Harris, Soul Speak Yoga

Tuesday, August 1
8:30 to 9:30 pm
Presented by Yogatown

Wednesday, August 30
8:00 to 9:00 pm
Presented by Yogatown

Free Bike Check-Ins at Lansdowne Park

June is Let’s Bike Month in Ottawa, and as part of our celebrations, City of Ottawa’s Safer Roads, EnviroCentre and partners will be setting up at Lansdowne Park offering mini tune-ups and safety checks on a First come, first serve basis.

Saturday June 17, 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Sunday June 18, 9:00 to 4:00 pm
Wednesday June 21, 1:00 to 7:00 pm

For the Free Bike Check-Ins, mechanics will be checking all components and adjusting as necessary to make the bike safer to ride and lube and grease the chain. If there are parts that are required, mechanics will advise the customer of the parts to change at their local bike shop.

Learn more about what’s going on at Lansdowne at the city’s website.

We Bike ‘For Our Kids’

The We Bike ‘Four Our Kids’ event takes place Sunday June 25 at 10:00 am. Meeting on Queen Elizabeth Drive at Somerset Street West, the ride will enjoy the car-free route down QED to Patterson Creek.

The event offers parents and kids a chance to safely ride bikes as a group, learn more about family biking, and bring together people who are concerned about climate change. Full details here

Capital Ward Resident in need of Mattress

One of our OCH neighbours' mattress is no longer usable, and they are unable to afford a new one. Their doctor recommended that they have an orthopaedic mattress given health concerns: a memory foam mattress without springs would be ideal, but anything would be appreciated. Please respond to this email if you have a mattress that you could donate for this resident, and if so, whether you would be able to help with transportation or would need transportation arranged.

Frobisher Lane and Place Lycée

The re-surfacing of Frobisher and Lycée is complete. As part of that project, the city will be installing two speed humps on either side of the existing pedestrian crossover on Frobisher, and another two speed humps on either side of the pedestrian crossover on Lycée. All work should be completed this summer.

Billings Bridge Public Consultation 

In conjunction with Alta Vista Ward Councillor Marty Carr, we will be hosting a public consultation on the roadway layout of the Billings Bridge. City staff will be presenting plans to implement a three-lane model with bicycle lanes on the side. 

The consultation will be held online over Zoom on Wednesday June 21 at 7:00 pm. For more information and to register for the event, visit

Trees and Forest Outreach and Engagement Strategy

The City of Ottawa is looking for input regarding the creation of a Trees and Forests Outreach and Engagement Strategy. The aim of this strategy is to enhance existing programs and incentives and create new opportunities for the community to further understand and care for its trees and forests.    

By completing the survey, you are providing us with valuable information that will help to shape the Trees and Forests Outreach and Engagement Strategy. Your input is greatly valued and will aid in creating a strategy that will enhance existing programs and incentives and create new opportunities for the community to further understand and care for the urban forest.

Take the survey.

Your Capital Ward

Photo by Jamie Broughman

If you have a photo you’d like to share in an upcoming bulletin, please send it to [email protected], with the subject line Your Capital Ward. Please give us your name for attribution…or tell us if you’d rather not have your name shared.

Childhood Immunizations for Kids and Families without a Primary Care Practitioner

Residents who do not have access to a family doctor or other primary care practitioner may be interested to know about the Kids Come First Health Team’s catch-up campaign for routine childhood immunizations against measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, chicken pox and other infections.

The Kids Come First Health Team is based at CHEO and has brought together public health units across Eastern Ontario, community health centres and community physicians to launch the new Vaccinate and Up-to-Date - Kids Come First service.

To book an appointment, a child or youth:

  • Lives and/or goes to daycare or school in Ontario;
  • Is due for recommended vaccinations;
  • Does not have a family physician or pediatrician or a Primary Health Care nurse practitioner (PHC-NP)* or cannot easily access see their family physician, pediatrician, or PHC-NP.

Thanking Volunteers in Capital Ward: The Gift of Recognition

Volunteer Ottawa will be recognizing some of Ottawa’s most dedicated volunteers at the 12th Annual VOscars Gala on Thursday, October 26th at the Sala San Marco on Preston Street.  Do you know a great volunteer who deserves to be celebrated? Show them how much you appreciate everything they do by nominating them for one of these prestigious awards:

Outstanding Youth Volunteer Award 
Outstanding Senior Volunteer Award  
Leadership in Skilled Volunteering Award  
Leadership in Corporate Volunteerism Award  
Pathways to Possibilities Award
Outstanding Volunteer Program Award  
Mayor’s Award for Volunteer Spirit

Use the simple online form to submit your nomination by 11:59 pm on Friday, June 23.  Three finalists in each category will receive a complimentary ticket (value $150) to the Awards Gala where the winners will be announced. 

Gopher-It Cares Needs Volunteers

Gopher-It Cares (formerly Ottawa Cares) was established in March 2020 as a Community Response to COVID-19 in Ottawa's East End. This "last-mile" delivery program has continued to grow as a valuable and much-needed resource in Ottawa. Gopher-It Cares primary goal is the recruitment and coordination of volunteers to deliver food from community food banks to their local residents.

Gopher-It Cares is recruiting volunteers to join our incredible team. So we ask - can you help your community by volunteering as a Food Bank Delivery Driver?

Volunteering with Gopher-It Cares is a fantastic way to help fight food insecurity in your own community. Volunteer opportunities are short (1-2 hours), flexible around your schedule, and most locations are entirely outdoors!

If you can help, please register by visiting or emailing Michelle Ruel at [email protected]

StopGap Ottawa Paint Events

StopGap Ottawa is planning to hold their next Ramp Paint Events on Saturday July 22 and Saturday July 29 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Ottawa Tool Library, 877A Boyd Avenue.

They are looking for businesses with a single step at their entrance who would like to get a ramp, and they’re inviting residents to come out and help paint the ramps.

You can get in touch with them at [email protected] or visit

Ottawa ACORN’s Tenant Rights Council

Ottawa ACORN will be holding a Tenant rights Council on Saturday, June 17th at 4:00pm at the Centretown United Church at 507 Bank Street. This will be the launch of their biggest municipal housing priorities based on tenants' most urgent issues as renters from across the city.

Learn more from their Facebook Event page.

Property Tax and Water Utility Bill Deferral Program Expands Eligibility

Changes to the City of Ottawa’s Property Tax and Water Utility Deferral Program will now allow more low-and-fixed income seniors and disability recipients to qualify. This year’s qualifying income threshold is $48,441, which uses the Consumer Price Index to factor in the current cost of living.

The changes to the program include:

  • Expanding eligibility of low-income seniors from only 65 and over to include those between 60 to 64 who receive an allowance under the Old Age Security Act, and people 55 and older who are on pension or collect from a pension annuity.
  • The requirement for applicants to have their accounts current has been removed

To register for the deferral program for property tax, water utility bill or both, complete the online form at  The accessible option is to call 613-580-2400 to contact the City using Canada Video Relay Service. The service uses the internet and mobile phone technology to connect the caller with real-time sign language interpretation.

You can register anytime before December 31.  For renewals, you must apply by September 30.

Response to Extreme Heat

Extreme hot weather events occur regularly in Ottawa and can result in significant adverse health impacts. A City of Ottawa Extreme Heat, Cold and Smog Plan was developed to address extreme heat, extreme cold, and poor outdoor air quality events. The plan outlines the prevention, mitigation, preparedness and response actions by the City of Ottawa and community partners. It aligns with the Harmonized Heat Warning and Information System for Ontario.

ECCC issues Heat Warnings when humidex values at or above the threshold set for Ottawa are forecasted (daytime temperature of 31ºC or higher and night-time temperature not cooler than 20ºC for at least two days, or a Humidex of 40ºC for at least two days).

The city’s Heat, Cold and Smog Planning Committee, chaired by Ottawa Public Health (OPH), meets regularly, maintains the plan, and updates resources for community partners, residents, and visitors in preparation for the hot weather season. The Committee members represent city departments and community partners including The Salvation Army Outreach Services, the Canadian Red Cross Ottawa Branch, Ottawa Community Housing, and Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario.

The plan is activated when ECCC forecasts temperatures and humidity levels that pose an increased risk of heat-related illnesses. It provides the basis for preventative strategies for the city and service providers supporting populations at increased risk of heat-related illness.

CSSD and community partners ensure that people experiencing homelessness have access to shelters and drop-in programs during an extreme hot weather event. Those shelters/services provide refuge to help people deal with extreme heat. Shelter and dropin program locations and contact information are available through the OPH Extreme Heat and Humidity Website and on or by calling 3-1-1 or 2-1-1. CSSD will also disseminate OPH’s pre-season information to the Human Needs Task Force Network of community agencies and sector groups to ensure that information is available to those seeking assistance. Finally, residents can also call 3-1-1 to alert the city to people experiencing homelessness who may need additional support. Within the shelter system, space is available for those in need. CSSD and OPH work with external partners to respond to those in need.

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