Capital Ward Bulletin: Lansdowne Update, LRT Public Inquiry, OC Transpo Route Change and Invasive Species Update

Lansdowne Update

Next week, an OSEG proposal to re-build the north side stands and civic centre at Lansdowne will go before city council. It was last summer that the city asked staff to look into a rejuvenation plan for the park, and the current proposal—which includes building three towers of 35, 40 and 46 storeys along the stadium, and building a new event centre into part of the great lawn—is what we have in front of us.

The entire project will cost $332.6M, and the city would take on significant new debt and interest payments.

Our office has a number of questions about this plan—which we go over on our website—but our biggest concern is the lack of public consultation.

When council made its decision to look into re-building parts of Lansdowne, it directed staff to conduct robust public consultations—it’s your park, and it’s your city, so you deserve a say—but, unfortunately, those consultations did not occur.

We held a public discussion last week. If you missed it, you can watch it on our YouTube channel. We had a good discussion, but this meeting could not take the place of proper public consultations.

City council will consider the proposal on May 25, and it is our intent to commit staff to proper consultations, and to ensure that we are not locked into any decisions at this point. 

This will be an ongoing issue over the coming year, and we will continue to push the city to make decisions that put the interests of the public first.

You can watch the meeting on city council’s YouTube channel on May 25.

Proposed Changes to Route 10

Since the launch of LRT, many residents in Capital Ward (and elsewhere) have been significantly inconvenienced by the shortened route 10—currently it ends near Lyon Station, rather going through downtown to the Rideau Centre, like it used to.

After much discussion with staff, we might have a solution. Staff have come up with a proposed change to route 10 that would take it through downtown, past the Rideau Centre and through the Market to Elizabeth Bruyère—providing better connections for many residents.

To accommodate this change, adjustments would be made to routes 11 and 16, with route 11 now serving Greystone, rather than route 16. This would maintain connectivity to LRT stations and downtown, without altering the level of service through Old Ottawa East.

Do you have thoughts on extending route 10 through downtown? If so, please let us know at [email protected].

Community Event for Capital Ward

Please join us on Saturday, June 11, (rain date June 12) for a Capital Ward Bike Ride + BBQ to reconnect with neighbours and celebrate making it through the last two years! For those who want to join, we’ll be meeting at 11:00 am at Sylvia Holden Park, and biking to Windsor Park for a BBQ at 11:30 am. The ride will be family-friendly, but note that you are welcome to join us for the picnic portion of the event only. We’ll supply hot dogs and veggie dogs, buns, and soft drinks. Feel free to bring your own sides and utensils, and a blanket to sit on if you desire. The bike route is mapped out below, please RSVP so we know how many to expect. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!

Glen Avenue Patio

Last year, we put in a public parkette on Glen Avenue at the intersection with Bank Street. Considering the success last year, we are considering putting this little patio back this summer. We are looking at ways to mitigate some issues, and we want to hear what you think. Please email us at [email protected] and tell us your thoughts.

Older Adult Forum, Thursday May 19

As the community ages, we need to ensure that our city is built for older residents. Join us to talk about how the city can meet the needs of older adults.

A list of all upcoming consultations can be found on our Events page.

Environment Committee Approves Mandatory Multi-Residential Waste Diversion

Last month, council approved the scope, framework, and project pillars for the multi-residential waste diversion strategy. This report directs staff to finalize the detailed cost analysis and implementation plan for onboarding all multi-residential properties to a mandatory organics diversion program, and report back to council in the first half of 2023. Beginning June 1, any property that begins receiving city collection services would be required to participate in the Green Bin program. Through 2022, staff will continue to onboard properties to the Green Bin program.

I sit on the Solid Waste Master Plan council sponsorship group, and this strategy has taken a lot of work and collaboration between council, staff and residents.

This is an important step forward for the city. This is something we campaigned on, and something a lot of you talked about at the door during the election.

According to the 2019 Multi-Residential Waste Audit Study, 74% of audited waste was sent to landfill. Of this, 58% could have been diverted through city diversion programs. Collected tonnages in 2021 showed a 17% diversion rate for multi-residential properties, highlighting the need for focused efforts within the multi-residential sector.

This strategy proposes five project pillars to improve waste diversion: Expanding Organics Diversion to all Multi-Residential Properties; Enhancing Promotion & Education; Exploring Pilots; Dedicating and Redesigning Space for Waste Disposal Programs; and Driving Change Moving Forward through the Collection Contract.

Spring Tree Planting Update

Forestry Services’ spring caliper tree planting program is scheduled to begin on Friday, April 29, and will run until the end of June. Through Forestry Services’ lifecycle tree planting programs, trees will be planted in parks, at city facilities and along streets.

You can download a list of tree-planting locations in our ward on our website. This list does not include trees planted by other city services, through development projects or by applicants as a condition of tree removal permits. Where a tree planting is scheduled on city property adjacent to a residence, as part of our Trees in Trust Program, individual notifications will be provided to the resident in advance of planting.  Residents should also expect to see utility locate flags and paint on the ground prior to planting. 

Good News for Invasive Species Management

Invasive plant species on public lands throughout the city have long been managed with the help of dedicated community volunteers. At present, the city strategy focuses only on three plant species that are dangerous to humans: wild parsnip, poison ivy and giant hogweed. The list of plants crowding out native species is much longer however, including garlic mustard, dog strangling vine and buckthorn. It has been difficult for community volunteers to navigate between city departments to make sure they have the proper permission to access parks and coordinate with staff on management and disposal of invasive species. So far, this has been happening on a case-by-case basis along the Rideau River from Springhurst Park, through Brantwood Park, and as far as the George McIlraith (Smyth) Bridge.

Soon, the city may be able to develop a more coordinated effort to assist community volunteers. Members of the Environment Committee passed a motion that as part of the 2023 budget process, Public Works consider the requirement for one full-time equivalent position for the management of an invasive species stewardship program, and that, subject to approval of the necessary staffing, Public Works coordinate development of the invasive species volunteer program with Legal Services, Ottawa Public Health, and Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development to ensure all necessary legal, health and safety, and natural environment considerations are included in the program.

Floodplain Mapping on

Staff have prepared an interactive map that includes flood extents for three different riverine flood events: a large flood event (1 in 50-year), regulatory flood event (1 in 100-year) and a more severe event that could occur with climate change (1 in 350-year).

The city has posted flood plain maps, including additional extents that consider the potential impacts of climate change, on the City of Ottawa website.


Glebe Collegiate Anniversary Update

Organizers have made the decision to postpone the Glebe Collegiate 100th anniversary celebrations to the fall. The new date is Friday, October 14, to Sunday, October 16, which is rather exciting since the first students actually entered the doors in the fall of 1922. Purchase your tickets before they sell out!

Windsor Park Pumping Station Upgrade

The pumping station at Windsor Park is in need of an upgrade. Currently, city contractors are finishing up the designs. While the intent is to keep disruption to a minimum when work starts, some people may be affected by the work.  

There will be a driveway extension from the OCH parking lot, and a roof hoist will be removed from the station. Removal of hoist will impact the multi-use pathway; it will be reduced to one lane for one day with a person there to flag the MUP.

They will need to use OCH parking spots (temporarily) for one year for layby for equipment. They are planning to use some of the visitor parking, and they will keep us updated on details as they develop.

Construction will take place over one to one-and-a-half years, and construction is expected to begin this September.

The OCH gardens should not be impacted. Crews will put up fencing around the pump station which will cut off an informal pathway from the building.

Rain Barrel Fundraiser for Rainbow Kidschool

Rainbow Kidschool is holding a rain barrel fundraiser this year. Working with, they are offering repurposed food grade quality rain barrels, composters and accessories. This sale benefits Carleton Preschool – Rainbow Kidschool, and includes optional home delivery. The pickup event will be held at Lady Evelyn Alternative Public School, 63 Evelyn Ave, Ottawa K1S 0C6 on Wednesday, May 18, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, with home deliveries commencing after the event and continuing daily until completed.

For more information, visit The fundraiser ends May 18.

Bronson Avenue Road Closure Notice

Kiewit Dufferin Midtown Partnership (KDMP) has been retained by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to replace the Percy Street bridges of Highway 417 / Ottawa Queensway.

To facilitate this work, KDMP will be required to implement traffic control staging on Highway 417 and city streets in the area of Percy Street. Percy Street will be closed to vehicular traffic on April 15, 2022. Pedestrian and bike traffic will remain open except for short windows in fall 2022 and summer 2023.

Anticipated Start Date: April 18, 2022
Anticipated End Date: October 30, 2023

Your Capital Ward

Photo by Nigel Harris

If you have a photo you’d like to share in an upcoming bulletin, please send it to [email protected], with the subject line Your Capital Ward. Please give us your name for attribution…or tell us if you’d rather not have your name shared.

LRT Public Meetings

The Commission will be holding two public meetings on May 25 and 26, 2022, in Ottawa at the Shaw Centre from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Doors will open at 6:00 pm.

The Shaw Centre is centrally located in downtown Ottawa and is easily accessible to everyone, including by public transit. The Centre also offers support for people with disabilities. Within walking distance of many hotels, it provides multiple options for accommodation, for anyone traveling from outside of Ottawa.

For people attending in-person and requiring access to parking for their vehicles, they can use the large nearby underground facility, which has two entrances located on Daly Avenue and Nicholas Street South.

The public meetings are open for everyone, and the Commission encourages anyone who wishes to attend and/or deliver a statement at its public meetings to register by no later than May 20, 2022, at 5 pm.

Registration while appreciated, is not mandatory to attend the meetings. However, to help the Commission team organize the evenings and provide everyone who wants to share their thoughts the opportunity to do so, registration to deliver a statement in-person or remotely is required.

Registration forms for all interested attendees to complete:

Please note—individuals will only be permitted to deliver a statement at one of the meetings, to give as many people as possible the opportunity to deliver one.

If interested attendees have any questions, they can contact the Commission at [email protected] or by calling 1-833-597-1955.

OC Transpo’s New My Para Transpo Application Makes it Easier for Customers to Book a Trip Online

Para Transpo customers now have more self-service options to book and track trips. Today, OC Transpo launched the new My Para Transpo online application.

With this new application, Para Transpo customers can now:

  • Book a next-day trip
  • Cancel a booked trip
  • Track the location of a vehicle for an imminent trip
  • Manage their customer profile information

The browser-based application is mobile friendly and can accommodate various device platforms.

My Para Transpo has been developed in collaboration with Para Transpo customers. Since December 2020, a working group of customers has been testing the application and an early adopters’ group has been piloting the service since July 2021.

My Para Transpo will continue to improve as new functions are added and technology improves. Future releases will include enhancements requested through customer feedback, including functionality that allows designated support persons and institutions to book or cancel trips on behalf of their clients or loved ones, customer notifications for upcoming trips, and a downloadable mobile application.

To ensure a seamless transition to My Para Transpo, the existing web forms that have been available to customers for bookings and cancellations will be maintained for an overlap period of 12 weeks.

To learn more about OC Transpo’s My Para Transpo online application, you can visit


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