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Public Consultation: 180 Main Street

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Full application details here

Applicant’s Proposal
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Control application to construct a three-storey mixed-use building with commercial space (restaurant) on the ground floor and five residential units above. The building is neighbouring and to be attached to the existing mixed-use building at 184 Main Street. No on-site parking is proposed.

Proposal Details
The subject site is located in Old Ottawa East, on the western side of Main Street, in the block between Hazel Street and Graham Avenue / Lees Avenue, in between two three-storey developments, also mixed-use  commercial and residential. On the same block and adjacent are other commercial space. Across the street is Saint Paul University, as well as two large 6 storey apartment buildings with commercial ground floor space closer to Oblats Avenue. The site is also in proximity to Immaculata High School and the Ottawa Footy Sevens Arena. The lot is 10.06 metres wide and 30.20 metres deep with a total area of 303.80 square metres. It is legally described as Part 1 Plan of Part of Lot 4 in Block A on Registered Plan 102 with the City of Ottawa.

Main Street is designated as Mainstreet Corridor in the New Official Plan (2021), and the site is subject to that Old Ottawa East Secondary Plan and is zoned Traditional Mainstreet Zone, Subzone 7, Urban Exception 2182 (TM7[2182]).

The property is currently occupied by a two-storey single detached dwelling. The existing building will be demolished. The new building is designed to match the existing 184 Main Street development. The ground floor will be commercial with access from the street. The residential entrance will be located on the north side of the building and accessed along a side walkway. The units propsoed are: one bachelor, three one-bedroom units, and one two-bedroom unit. Garbage will be stored internally, and One bike parking space per dwelling unit will be provided in the rear yard.

The applicant seeks to rezone the subject site from Traditional Maintreet Zone, Subzone 7, Urban Exception 2182 (TM7[2182]) to introduce new site-specific provisions to permit the following requested relief:

  • The required rear yard setback be reduced from 7.5 metres to 4 metres;
  • The reduced percentage of glazing required on the front ground floor façade; currently the requirement is 50%;
  • The Rear Landscaped Buffer be reduced from 1 metre to 0 metres to allow bike storage abutting the rear lot line;
  • A relief from the requirement that the façade facing the main street must include at least one active entrance serving each residential or non-residential use occupying any part of the ground floor. The development proposes a principal entrance to the restaurant well setback from the street and the principal entrance to the residential use located in the interior side yard.

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